Ok, I can't help myself. Not only does Bush tell Blair 'no you can't go to the Middle East' to try and help resolve the problems, he holds off on sending Condi to give time for the Israeli's to bomb the hell out of Lebanon.

My latest gripe is with Condi. Yesterday I saw her giving a press conference when she said 'It is time for a new Middle East, it is time to say to those who do not want a different kind of Middle East that we will prevail; they will not'. I just thought, how fucking arrogant! 'We', America and our poodles want the world to run our way and it's gonna happen no matter what you say or do. I know the 'right' in America believes God is on their side but they are getting more like how the British Empire ran itself, we have God, Queen, Country, Civilisation and Cricket (Baseball) and we will bring it all to the ignorant and uneducated. Like all empires and 'world' conqueror's previously (Egyptian, Aztec, Greek, Roman, etc) the British Empire collapsed in on itself. It's just a matter of time!