Quote Originally Posted by aot871
I think the golden days of the caf├й came to an end when both Ian and Robbie passed away . It seems to have been downwards ever since. If I was paying upwards of 1400 bht anight , I would want my room cleaned every day , Its a hotel after all

The last years, when Ian was around, Le Cafe was the greatest place in Boyztown. After all other places closed at around 1am, Le Cafe was pretty much packed, and everybody, the working boys and customers went there, cos the restaurant was open 24 hrs. Great fun.

Then Robby took over, and rules changed little bit, money boys were not welcomed any more, and there was no point to go there after Panorama closed at 1 or so. Why go there, if there are no Thai guys there to party with.
Around that time larger gay clubs came around, Nab, Dave... People who started their evening at Panorama and few other terrasses in Boyztown hopped on mitorboys, and headed to those clubs. Le Cafe became quiet, there was nothing to do there, no boys = no customers. And it rapidly went down hill from then on.

Le Cafe has always had the nicest staff of any gay venue, for the guys who work or worked there, we must thank Ian.
The place is falling apart now. There is no purpose for it to be there, no reason to go there, other than few of the remaining old staff members.

Its over.