an 'agenda' is what you have when someone can not give a reply to a question.
as for my making silly remarks, well scotty has been doing that for years and he gets patted on the back for it. sadly i made which hunt look daft which in turn made surfcrest look daft, therefore the comments had to be moved as our great leader is not allowed to ever be wrong. and im still waiting to find out why whichhunts comments are deemed as ok.

as for getting the board back to what it was.. well after telling surf time and time again no one was interested in reading about his childish fights with fatty from another board, by the time he reaslised it despite having another 200 members join the board he bored 30 or 40 regular poster away.
but that is my fault cause i made a comment on wombats copy and paste. i wish i was so far up my own butt i could make statements like that !!!!