Am just finishing off a 2 week road trip to north Thailand ( my first visit ) with the Bf and I have to say this ----

Thee best looking Thai boys I have ever seen in 10 + years of coming / living in Thailand live in Chiang Mai

:tongue3: :tongue3:

Holy fuck , they are stunning , and all over the place !!!!

GStar Vintage last sat nite would have been abs paradise for a farang alone

The choice and ready availability of guys in the club I have NOT seen in a long time
I will be returning !!!!

Even the BF was commenting on various guys we simply meet passing - Which I Never heard him do once in the last 3 months in PAttaya /Bkk or even his home town of Phayao
Pattaya bound now , but plenty of new thoughts to keep me from getting too bored on the drive back !!!

Il do a report on Phayao / Chiang Rai/Mai gay venues later - lot of fun in the North !!! :bounce: