What is your problem Scotty boy?
So, I make a post
Sally repeats it on PBB
You need to tell the world, since you clearly follow PBB like a hawk.
I point out: So sally can copy and paste

Now this:
if I was Surfy I'd be looking vey closely at Mr SmoothLegs

well SurfCrest is free to keep an eye on me if he wants and you know what, I give you permission to also keep an eye on me, if that makes you happy. :occasion9:

Anyway, after reading the PBB today, I noticed a certain ton, my guess is, that is you.
TOO CHICKEN to use your own name.

Not that I am keeping an eye on you, no need for that, I am sure plenty of other people are already doing that.

Who knows maybe I will signup for the PBB also one of these days, most people seems very nice there and they have excellent posts, in the open forum and some in the bitch forum.