I have offed a boy for a month and am paying him 30,000 baht. He goes off almost every day when working at My Way, but he agreed to this price right away with no hesitation. I also pay for all of his meals and incidental expenses.

His incidentals run about 500bt every day, and I prefer to just give it to him as pocket money every couple of days, so he is not always asking me for small money. His incidentals include copious amounts of iced green tea, five to eight newpapers and magazines each day, loads of skin care products, snacks from 7-11, laundry, movies and lunches with friends, a great number of rental videos each week, an occasional CD, small loans to friends, cheap clothes from the night market vendors (mostly socks as he will only wear a pair twice before throwing them out), and hair cuts and setting his hair.

It also cost a bit to feed him, as even when we eat Thai style, we still seem to order at least eight dishes for the two of us. He also greatly prefers seafood and loves prawns. It is rare I get away for less than 1,000 baht for most dinners.

I also pay for all entertainment expenses although this boy doesn't like to drink, smoke, or do drugs of any sort. He prefers staying home watching videos to going to bars. He does like karaoke a couple of times each week, and he greatly enjoys when we take off a boy together which we do a couple of times a week as well (we like the same types, and he makes very sure the sex involves all three of us as he likes having sex with the other boy as well--he probably wishes I would leave the two of them alone, but he makes sure I am involved nonetheless, sweet boy that he is).

We've gone shopping only a couple of times in the mall, and he doesn't ask for much in the way of clothes and accessories (a pair of shoes, a back pack, a couple of shirts). He does love Boots though and loads up the basket with skin care and hygiene products. I will also buy him a mobile at some point as his was stolen before he met me (hmmm).

So, in a month, I will end up spending nearly 60,000 baht on the boy (not including the off fee). It is worth the price to me because he saves me from the chase every night in the bars (and big bar tabs); I greatly enjoy his company as he is very good natured (in three weeks not a single cross word between us although we spend a great deal of time together alone in my room as I am working), he speaks English very well, and he has a University degree; the sex we have with other boys is mind-blowingly good; and he is great eye candy. Plus, he is very jai dee.

So, there is one experience of what it cost for a longer time off and if it is worth it.