Well times are hard and competion for viewers is out there. Seems that the most recent closure "appears" to be Gaythailandforum.com which was a break away board from the Bitch Board which closed last month. Trying to reach Gaythailandforum.com keeps giving me all day a not found message. This forum opened about 6 months or so ago and promised to be a really big non bitch forum. After a few months it closed with a message saying that the board was being revamped and that it would reopen in April. I checked on it a few days ago and it still had the same message. Now I cannot seem to pull it up all today.

As everyone knows the LMTU Bitch Board has been closed for about a month. I think it has opened and closed for 7 times. Now it has a message on it saying it is too much work and has no time for it.

Oogleman's famous Ting Tong board has a message that he is very ill and it is too much work and made a statement that maybe it was time to close it down.
Recent post said

by Oogleman on Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:21 pm
Seems interest in all things Thai or forums is dying off.
Think i should pull the plug on the old girl?
Shes had a good run. Maybe time for a farewell party.

Another post from Mr. Oogleman:
thats an issue thats really getting me down. Spine problems are an ass. Every time it settle down - a wrong movement and it flares up again and its hell on earth. Really really dont want to have that op and dont want to risk being immobile in LOS.
I would just have to lie back and think of England i suppose.

I have heard a lot about Oogleman and Ting Tong over the years and its a shame to see a long running forum close. I sent an email to Mr. Oogleman but no reply.

Gaytouri.com seems to have hit the dust. Many different forums never seemed to get off the ground. Seems that one cannot pull up that site anymore either.

So I think the only ones out there that are really gay are gaythailandforum.com, gaybutton and us here at SGT and I am hapy to say we are alive and well.