Hi all,

I was wondering if I could elicit the advice of the some of the more experienced board memebers please?

I have been to LOS many times before, but this will be my first time visiting during Songkran. I know folk tend to love it or hate it, this is the year I find out which side of the fence I sit on. I land on the 14th, and understand it will carry on in Pattaya until the 19th. So, my questions are...

1. I know I would like to spend most of it in Pattaya, but the whole week might be a bit much. If I spend a couple of nights in Bangkok first (probably Khaosan area) - will I struggle to then find a ride to Pattaya? (I have visions of mass infrastructure failure - am I making something of nothing?)

2. Where to stay? Previously I have tended to stay in Cafe Royale or Don Plaza, where I have been very happy. My concern is that during the day, these areas seem to be very quite. As I would like to be in the thick of the action - any thoughts or recommedations please?

3. Where to go? Once I'm armed and ready to go - where do I actually go (silly question?) Is there a particular road or area thats good to congragate around? Are the bars open during the day? If so, where's good to set up camp?

4. Last question, I read somewhere there is an 8pm armistice. After this, is Pattaya back to business as usual until the next day - or are there extra Songkran festivities laid on. If so, could anyone recommend any?

Thanks in advance for any feed back. I realise most of this I'll figure out/see for myself in a few months time - but I'm excited, and would like to know what to expect!