Its my 7th week in Thai...and i like to finish in Pattaya...i said on my last topic...on tue me and my bf went to see and drink with our friends at Crazy Pub....cause its where i first met my bf ..2 years ago....and every time we go back to Pattaya we go and drink a bottle of wiskey and catch up on whats been happening since we were last there
my bf has never done bar work since we became bf's...cause he's happy with me and doesent want to meet anyone else..
we were going to Idol club ...but went to Dave man club instead...had a great time..The boys on stage were some of the best looking..i've seen in Pattaya.......i used to go to a lot of hard house dance clubs in the love dancing..and after sharing another bottle of wiskey ..ended up dancing on the stage at the end of the night lol