Having complained about their change policy I feel it's only fair to offer a full review.

Well they charge 200 baht for an alcoholic drink or 180 baht for a soft one, the same as their older sister X-Boys across the soi. Off fees are 400 baht.
The boys on offer. Fat, ugly, unkempt, dirty looking, generally unnatractive and lifeless are all qualities that you will not find in this bar. The boys are lovely with not a single makeweight to be found amongst them. Fuglies are clearly shown the door here. Having offed three and probably running out of time to off the rest I can say that the delightful personalities they display in the bar do not disappear the minute they walk out. From beginning to end they deliver all that you would want them to.
The show. Well there are two. One at 10.45 is fun, playful and a little saucy. The other at 12.15 is hot, raunchy, passionate and right on the money. The gogo boys on stage are the same ones in the show so if you like 20 something Thai boys cavorting around practically naked on stage then this is the show for you. If not...why are you reading this forum? The business model is absolutely fantastic...get your product to advertise themselves to potential customers by showing what they can do.
The one part I do not like are when the B Boys come on stage. Their skill is breathtaking. But their act is a highwire and in parts extremely dangerous and I don't want to see a boy with broken limbs on the stage.
In short I think X-Boys Pattayaland offers good value for money. They have a high end product and charge high end prices for it.