Whilst like Scots i find it hard to buy into the above at all so I'll not bother even going there BUT the point ( even if it was a wind up) re the peanut allergy was an interesting one and one that I'm sure some people DO have to deal with -and in a life threatening manner to if they get it wrong I guess !

So, has anyone ever come across this subject raising it's head with friends etc as whilst I'm sure you might be able to learn / hand over a note in perfect Thai to get your condition across but I'm guessing that whilst there may be a lot of nodding and understanding and polite smiles offered in reality there may not be a whole lot of action taken back in the kitchen ( if any!) which seeing as how so many satay dishes etc are prepared in Thailand could depending on the person actually prove quite fatal ! However as it's never something one really hears about can we assume then that either I'm wrong and Thai people are VERY careful about such things if asked to be OR perhaps do people with nut allergies think ahead and just don't both visiting places like SE Asia at all perhaps ??? Any thoughts ?