You know - the thing about this guy's tirade is it strongly suggests to me that here is a guy who has had bad experience after bad experience, who has been taken to the cleaners on many occasions, stolen from, cheated, and who may even have ended up in serious trouble over the age of some of his sex partners. Why else would somebody go to the lengths of drawing up what is basically a para-legal "Terms of Business" statement.

The most ludicrous aspect is that he then expects these "moneyboys" who he clearly has no trust in whatsoever, to comply with his sex-contract conditions!

It reminds me of a rather weird guy I knew professionally. He had been accused of attempted rape by a woman (his argument was that she had consented) but he was found not guilty. He then had a lawyer draw up a "sex-contract" which he thereafter presented to each prospective sexual partner for her signature before the dirty deed took place.
As in the movie "Carry on Henry" - I can just imagine the legalese saying something about the joining together of the party of the first part's and the party of the second part's parts.