Well it appears that the economy may have claimed it's next victim. Vassa Bar a very small bar in between sois 1 & 2 has been dark for almost a week with no sign. Will it reopen? Only time will tell.

According to talk all around Pattaya it appears that the bars are suffering a lower than low season and after a pathetic high season, it appears that Vassa will not be the last to close.

"It seems to be a matter of who has the money to hang on and/or who is willing to continue to sink their savings into their bar to hold on" said one person in the know. Because the economy has been hard hit all around the world, vacation spots are being hit and hit hard. Many of the boys have returned home to the rice fields because it seems that the customers are just dribbling in. For those who do get to Pattaya for holiday, there re bargains galore and boys waiting to pay their rent. It's a buyers market. A few bars seem to be worried or effected by the slow economy.