U-turn is one of the remaining Sapan Kwai (BKK-Pradiphat rd) karaOK/hostbars. There are also still the very long standing ADAM, STAX and waterloo. And Be-High-the only low-key gogobar, still has uninvited approach from boys not even soliciting drinks or 20 bt notes. All in soi 20 off Pradiphat rd-Embassy HTL is at the end.
There is also a new kid on the block; STREET (or maybe not new-but changed direction), beside the named U-turn. (Sapan Kwai is big on name-puns, as there is also a hoStel named U-DEE and a spa/massageshop ImaSpa (to be renamed Imanspa-its currently under renovation)- there is a boutique-design HTL across the road that once started as IMM-Hotel but is now Mystic.
Why worth mentioning? Well-STREET has adapted to the steady changes tourism here in BKK makes- it now does Arab and Indian music (to sing a song along-it is karaOK after all). Sapan Kwai was always a niche-market for muslims, Malays etc. so a fair lot live there and stay there. Somehow I kinda like that music-sort of, as its soo close to Indonesian dangdut. All open 21.00-2.00 and are loads cheaper as Silom/Pratoochai bars.
There were also 3 sauna's- but Adonis2-easily the worst of the lot-is closed, unclear forever or for temporary. Farose 1 has a slidehsow about its 16 yr anniversary-and shows that it might even be older and never ever renovated-a cheap dump. And the 39 underground, across from Paolo hospital near the BigC/BTS-stop.