I spent the last few days in Bkk with Bf and a few pals from here in pattaya --

Dj station -- was there on a tue but it was very deserted looking --- almost more Farang than thai boys -- and not even the usual amount of bar boys that fill it after 1 am were nowhere to be seen -- Starting to get very dated looking !!

GoD --same as Dj -- deserted looking(tue night ) , almost more farang than thai again !!--- again very dated looking/lasers etc

Now i know its a tue nite /work nite etc but theres nowhere near the crowds(or fun )u see in Nab/Dave simliar week nites -- and the thai thai places below were busy same nites that dj/god were not !! -- i dont think u can put it down to a poor high season etc (there are loads of farang (too many even !!)- in Nab/Dave -- its the lack of thai boys that had those places quiet ,is there somewhere new in Silom area that the barboys are going too ??????

ICK (Ramkhamhaeng ) mon nite --- it was well full even at 3am ,plenty of cute guys ,tends to get an older crowd there 20 to 30 yo -- and older thai men with their younger giks )
And the short show had 1 group of very sexy boy dancers (same could not be siad about the coyotes !!)
Coyotes were a lot of fun tho,lots more intermingling -- the system there seems to be u put a note around a soda bottle,and beckon the guy over -at which point he takes the note and tips the soda water all over his body !! they were all soaked -- but was fun !!
And ONLY 1 farang was there (ME !!) the two odd hours we were there --- and it would have been a piece of cake to hook up with one of the locals

--My bf was both happy and ill at ease about me being there
Happy because many guys there were giving me eyes /coming over/touching me etc and he was happy that i was with HIM in front of people he knew -- (ICK would be his "local " club as he lives near it -)
Started to get Ill at ease because of the attention i kept getting!!! - he didnt even want me to go to the toilet on my own lol

SarGay (although sounds like Sarkay ) -- this was our first time to go there -- its in the area of Kao San road/ Grand Palace -- and many of taxi drivers lined up outside ICK had no idea where it was --so u need to know where it is!!
Mon nite and the place was FUll of thai guys -and its a fairly large place !!! -- crowd was 100 % 18-20 Toot /fem style boys -- not a masc guy in sight !!
There is a central stage area and ALL the boys were dancing in tandem with distinct groups of friends trying to out do each other with their dancing styles -- they were all taking their dancing seriously !

It was really great to see --- they were all having so much fun it was infectious !!!
Again only 1 farang there -- and they were not a bit shy with me ,but the few i spoke to had zero english -- !!-- some were so brazen-,even coming up to me in front of the BF !!! his face at times was priceless
I nearly fell over when the check bin came --we had brought our whiskey with us --but we were there 1 hour (5 of us ) -3 ice buckets/cokes/soda water popcorn --and the bill was 150 bhat !!!!!! ---def a local prices !!!
(note to the owner of the Club in pattaya --Stop taking the piss with prices !!!!)
I would def go there again for the simple reason its great to see thai gays enjoying in their natural habitat

Kar Dae --(Rachada soi 19) we were there Sunday /Monday/Tuesday nites --- like my previous visits it gets going 3.30 on until 9am-but was full every night -with a good mix of gay guys from the fem type to 30 yo more masc guys --so something for everyone !!
I was the only farang there the 5 odd hours i spent there the two nites --like before it would have been sooo easy to hook up there

So in essence if you want to enjoy a nite in Bkk clubs on a weeknite /even weekend then the more "thai thai non commercial " clubs are much more fun than the Silom ones
Its a diff experience -- no annoying MB types with brash come ons for a start ---- and they are much cheaper nite !!

And having gone to those places now a fair bit I would have no hesitation going now on my own !!!(if i could get away with it lol )