Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy
Quote Originally Posted by Brisboy82
...If I wanted to pay for it I'd go to a Gogo bar.
No offence but that's more than a little naive - we all end up paying for it one way or another.

As a previous poster said - do the decent thing - either take the boy AND his education costs on, or walk away from both.

In my view it would be disgusting to take the boy from the 61yo whilst still expecting him to cough up the funds for your shag's education.

It's not exactly a dilemma - at least not for anybody with any sense of right and wrong.

Its not entirely naive. Very few of the Thais who I see ever ask
Me for money. I tend to only get involved with those who are financially independent. In fact I had a Thai bf for a while who accommodated me in a luxury sukhumvit
Apartment for a couple of months and never asked for any money from me. I was 23 and he was 22 and he took good care of me and I had myself a free Holiday.

As for saying that I should take over the costs. By that logic you could say that all the fit and reasonably attractive farangs under 50 who are getting free sex in Thailand should be under some kind of moral obligation to pay even if they are not asked. Most of these Thais giving it away for free likely have an older or fatter farang sugar daddy tucked away somewhere. The only difference is that this one was honest about it.

I can't see why any farang who is under 50 and not overweight or ugly would need to pay for sex in Thailand.