Hey guys,

So after my previously asking for advice on the board about the chances of my getting a holiday visa for a thai "friend" to enable him to visit me here in the UK and being told (quite correctly) that I'd most likely have "no chance" I bit the bullet and have just booked myself a 3 week trip to LOS over Christmas instead :-) so, while I'm there I'll be meeting up with the guy I intended bring over and who I chat with most days online, who I guess in his head at least would refer to me as his BF ( even thought I've told him and reminded several times, in the nicest possible way of course, that he should consider me nothing more than a butterfly etc and should not to read too much into our spending time together when I visit as it won't and can't lead on to anything more than fun etc) - I should add that this isn't me intentionally being a Bas***d to him but me simply trying to protect his feelings and emotions as I know that no matter what he ( and even I) may "like" to happen between us both I'm a realist and know that most likely nothing can or will happen in the future (other than our enjoying each others company whilst I'm there etc ) and so we should and must just keep things "light" between us etc, so, my question to you all is that during the dates when I'll be there over Christmas he has told me that he is and was intending to travel back home to his village in Issan to see and stay with his mother and family for a few days etc and has asked me would I (like to) join him ?

So, my dillemma now is that a) whilst I wouldn't mind actually accompanying him for a change of scenery from the usual Bkk haunts to enable me to see his village and experience some of the real Thailand etc, I just want to be very sure that I'm not creating a huge social faus Paux in giving him and or his family the wrong perception about our "relationship" as I SO don't want to offend him or to inadvertently create the possibility of him losing face if and when he has to tell them that I'm not about again at some point in the future ( and I do fully also realise that perhaps I'm deluding myself here in thinking that I'm the first farang "BF" he's brought home ! :-) although I do think that is the case from talking with him about that previously) - so, my question is should I just go with him and "go with the flow" so to speak and enjoy the experience or should I not as that (albeit unintentionally) may give him false hope about my intentions ? - or perhaps am I'm just reading too much into the whole situation and should just stay in Bkk and ignore the whole thing and just enjoy myself as normal whilst he's gone ( although I've a funny feeling if I don't go he won't either as he wants to stay whereever I am, which also makes me feel slightly guilty about him not seeing his mother etc ?- either way your advice would be appreciated - and apologies about the length of the post !