I have just caught up with the groupon offers in my email and huge discount hotel deals in Phuket,Hua Hin, Koh Samui and Vietnam were included. Apart from Poseiden I have never received any special offer for gay hotels although I do get a few from restaurants.

Perhaps Poseiden does not need to promote themselves so much as it is hard to get a booking at times even during low season. But is is an area that does not seem to have been explored.

Take Madam Jims new hotel which should be open by now. Surely a promotional offer to members of the most active GAY board, for the shoulder and low seasons would make sense. Just like airlines you block out dates the offer is not available. No one can tell me the Ambience, Copa, Cafe Royale or The Venue would not welcome discounted rooms to tide them over the quiet times.

The beauty of this is it costs nothing for the offer to include in a post. Or if they wanted to highlight their offer a modest donation to DaBoss would not be knocked back.

It will be interesting to see if our gay hotels are run by businessmen or as many of us think, they are run as a hobby.

If I was still in Pattaya I would start with the new owners of Ambience. They seem to want to make the place profitable.

After all if no one is staying in the hotels, there is no one in the bars.