Dearest global, I have this past ten days been on my first trip to the middle east, where I met and had sex quite spontaneously, with a man (unusual for me as this is only my first real come in someone's mouth experience) not anal of course, as hard as he may have wanted it. This man was a real man no twink nor chicken, but a real live one, I suppose he was in his mid twenties a little older than me.
I can only describe him as perfect. His face was so handsome I kept wondering if he was real. He was tall and dark and perfectly built, lean as a f***ing machine, his eyes were green like a snake his hair like his jaw chiselled to perfection etc etc.
Another thing I noticed while lolling around in the Arabian gulf with him was his extraordinary long stiff solid cock, the like I have never before witnessed,for pure length and thickness I would not be surprised if this was some kind or record, and the head on that thing! He was an Egyptian labourer, working on the construction of a five star hotel, this was his lunch break/swim.

Ok I am no good at this love thing nor any-good at its description, not enough experience, and i am still befuddled and throwing words into the air. I feel like i have one thousand butterflies flapping in my tummy, this plus that rather fantastic feeling of having rubber legs (he was very good with his hands) and a very pathetic longing. I wonder if this is love, my first love. We look like brothers except I am as fair as the winter snow.
I am no real judge of these things and people dont think I am gay, but i really did not see that in him either. All a bit confusing. Can this be? Two straights falling in love, or is this just the strange magic that comes over one when in the middle east? I think I must be definitely gay as I have never had one thousand butterflies flapping in my stomach before. Nor have I ever felt so distant and alone to board an aeroplane before.

And to think, so passionate was our daily hour that I didn't even get his name. Something i am very upset about, but at the time there was an unspoken thingy, I think we both just felt it was an impossible dream. That and neither of us could understand one word of each others language, but his eyes nestled into my soul when ever we met. I am thinking of converting to the Muslim faith. Anything feels possible.

PS (Are there any middle eastern boards like this one around? I am afraid I no longer, that is I mean, I will be spending more time in the Middle East now,trying to avoid orange jump suits and home videos ) Mr Smiles? Am I doing the right thing?