Talking about the health of Thai food in another thread, reminded me about a nasty exception: MSG. Monosodium glutimate is a flavour enhancer added to many foods both eastern and western . This stuff is everywhere in asia though. Food producers vary the name of it, depending on how it's made. Yeast extract, hydrolised vegetable protein are such names.

Sometimes the stuff gives me really sharp headaches so it can't be good for me. Anyone else had this problem? Ever asked the Thai waiter to omit it from a dish? The problem for me is that I am a Thai soup lover, and chicken stock is used as a base. These stocks, and other ready made sauces are full of MSG, whether or not the chef elects to add his own sprinkle. It's difficult to get away from! I must get a houseboy to cook for me.

Oh how I miss tom yum goong!!