Here's another one of those shallow and overly generalised study findings to get you riled up. :rolling:

An economist from New York (of all bloody places) found women can still be turned on by fatter men if the fat is offset by wealth. I.e. The fatter you get, the more money you need to make to avoid being rendered ineligible. This is nothing new but he claims he's now found a formula for it!

Do you reckon all this applies to gay guys too?
Is Thailand and developing countries the solution for guys who don't earn enough to offset their obesity and remain eligible in the West? :sumo:

Research exclusive: why women love cashed-up fat cats

Ask most women if they find blokes with pot bellies sexy, and you answer is usually a resounding no. Unless of course the fat waistline is accompanied with a fat wallet.

A man's expanding waistline is often seen by women as a turn-off - but not if his wealth grows in proportion to his girth.

Now economics professor from Columbia University has calculated how much a man needs to earn to compensate for extra weight.

In his paper, 'Fatter Attraction: Anthropometric and Socioeconomic Matching on the Marriage Market', Columbia University economics professor Pierre-Andre Chiappori says for every 10 per cent increase in body mass index, a single man must increase his annual salary by 2 per cent if he wishes to remain attractive to women.

Under the formula, a 182cm man who weighs 79 kg and earns $101,000 a year would have to secure a pay rise of at least $2000 if his weight goes up by 8.6kg...

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