... is I don't think I've ever experienced a better environment to live as a gay guy in.

I don't get out on my own much. I mean, I get out lots, but it's usually with Kim and other Thais. I rarely have contact with other farangs these days though, and from those I've met in town, I can't say I'm too sad about it. Anyway, tonight I was on my own in (failed) hopes of finding ingredients for a nice Italian pasta I was hoping to cook. Ended up at one of the typical farang bars in town for what turned into a few glasses of wine.

Now... you tell a Thai you're gay, and their response will generally be, "oh, ok", and that's literally it. The conversation continues, and they don't treat you a single bit differently than 10 seconds prior to you telling them.

Now, tell a white guy in Thailand you're gay (and farangs in Thailand are generally pretty open-minded and liberal compared to our home countries), and you get a response like, "Ohhh, really? Ohhh, no worries, I don't mind at all that you're gay. As long as two people love each other, who am I to say, right? You seem like a really good guy, and you know, I have several friends that are gay, and they're great people too! Seriously, it's no problem at all, and I'm glad you found someone. That's great to hear!" ... and blah, blah, blah...

You have to listen to them droan on about this shit for about 10 minutes, when it's pretty obvious they do care, because otherwise they'd shut up about it. Even had one guy with a major muscular disorder or something do that (hands and legs were all gimped up). After a while I finally said, "dude, do you want to sit here and listen to me for the next 10 minutes explain that I don't give a shit that you're physically disabled?", to which he replies, "Ohhh, yeah... I see what you did there. Good point".

Gotta say, I much prefer living in a society where the standard response to telling someone you're gay is, "oh, ok", and that's it. I think I've totally forgotten what it's like to be a gay man in the West, and tonight brought that back somewhat. In the West you have to somewhat pick & choose your social circle carefully, whereas in Thailand it's simply a non-issue.

Not sure why I'm posting this, but I'll blame the red wine... :-)