I arrived in Bkk on Saturday evening, unpacked, showered and headed immediately to Nature Boys. (sitting 8 hours on a plane makes you very horny!) The guy I met in April - the one who rims and swallows - was there and I got him to sit with me for an hour and play with my cock. While there he pointed out 2 new guys - both from Laos. I only had a full view of one of them and his cock was huge. He was sitting on a chair and his cock was touching the seat! But he wasn't my type and, besides, I already had my guy. I was onte only customer in the bar, something NB is probably quite used to. Anyway, on the verge of cumming after an hour of intense stimulation (manual only) I had to get up and go for a walk. Which I did - for about 10 metres, where upon I came across another bar I visited in April. I went in and had a look. They had some nice guys there and the 2 young kids "working" there were nowhere to be seen. So I decided to stay and I had one sit and chat with me for half an hour. But the mama san was too pushy so I left. There was one other customer in the bar. I headed down the soi to my old favourite, Solid. I asked if Bay was working, but sadly, he was in Pattaya with "a friend" - read: customer. I went inside anyway, and immediately wished I hadn't. There was one bored customer and 4 bored "dancers." Not one of them was attractive. Solid is now lust a limp image of its old self. I walked outside and was immediately approached by some guys from Super A upstairs down the lane from Solid. I decided to give it a go. Again, there were only 4 boys working and one customer chatting to a boy. A rather handsome guy called Nut came over and grabbed my cock. I offered him a drink immediately. He then took off his jeans and put my hand on his substantial cock. The evening was off and running! Just then, another boy came over and sat next to me. I told him I wasn't interested as I already had nut. He took out his cock and, amazingly, I was interested. Now I had 2 to choose from. In the end, the second guy won out and I offed him. In fact, I've offed him every night. He is fairly expensive to keep, however, as he is always hungry and doesn't lile to eat with the plebs on the street. So we end up in Japanese restaurants and he just orders what he wants. Oh well, that's ok. After our firdt night he woke up and suggested we go shopping. Uh oh...been there, done that. And he wanted to go to Siam Paragon!!! We reached a compromise and ended up at MBK where he spent an hour dragging me around looking at mobile phones. He finally gave up when it was clear i would not be buying him one. Last night, after the restaurant, he suggested we see a show at Tawan. Same old routine, I guessed - he has a friend working there and would somehow get me to buy him a drink or tip him, or something. Been there, done that. So I said we should go to Boys Bangkok. He agreed, so off we went. We sat watching the boys on stage when suddenly he pulls out 100 baht, givres it top me and tells me to tip one of the boys on stage. I told he, no, YOU tip him. It's your money. So he gave the money to a waiter who handed it to the boy on stage who immediately came to the edge of the stage in fromt of me and thanked me. Suddenly a waiter comes over. "You want him sit with you?" "NO, I already have a boy," I replied. Two minutes later, the boy arrives and introduces himself. The waiter suggests he sit between me and my boy. I told him firmly I was not interested. For the rest of the show, my boy and him sat and chatted. As I guessed right from the start, they knew each other and my guy was trying to get a tip for his mate. So just a word of warning - these gogo boys all seem to now each other. In fact, earlier on in th evening I was at Hotmale bar at the entrance to soi Twilight, talking to an old "friend" from Solid named Yaa. He is now working at the bar. Back in my hotel room, my guy said he saw me talking to Yaa. Apparently he had beenin the soi getting his hair done. He knew Yaa and said they were friends.

Anuway, It;s off to Laos tomorrow and i hope to report from there.

BTW the show at Boys Bangkok/Dreamboys is same old same old.