For those who care about nights the bars will be closed, and are thinking about a holiday in the next couple of months, please note there's likely to be a general election in late June. However the last time there was such an election, not only were the bars closed on election eve (can't let anyone who's drunk vote), they were also closed on at least one other day during the period (the day postal votes closed, as I recall). Together with the three-day commencement of Buddhist Lent bar closure (15 July weekend), anyone who's planning to be here from late June to late July and is bar-dependent might like to reconsider their plans. As someone who can't vote and regards Thai Buddhism as a corrupt and animistic religion it will be a fun time for me as well, as I wait to see what the Establishment will get up to as they ensure that the party with the largest numbers (Pheu Thai, by everyone's estimation) is once again robbed of government.