As many are aware, Surfcrest made an accusation that he was scammed at Happy Place Bar. Unbeknownst to him, and on another thread, it was shown that ALL entertainment venues in order to get a licence, needed to have installed a CCTV system. His allegations were in fact caught on CCTV and he was invited down to see how he was incorrect which he never did. Scottish Guy and one or two others, dismissed the fact that there was actual cctv footage of the event and what it would reveal. Surfcrest still refused to witness the tape and said "I know what I look like" and that he did not need to see the pictures. That is the general jist of the situation.
After giving the situation considerable discussion and thought, a few members suggested that the footage be put on U Tube for everyone to see. I thought that this crossed the line of being proper and maybe even legal as the footage showed other people surrounding him.
What we did was to put out a request for long term SGF members to volunteer to come down and view the footage and give their opinion of what they saw. We had three volunteers, one showed up this evening and reviewed the camera footage which has date and time stamps every one second. He interviewed the person who took the money, which happened to be our assistant manager, and it showed "M" the registered OWNER of Happy Place as cashier that night taking the money and making change.
I did not ask this person what he was going to say, so I do not know what he will report but I do know that he and his boyfreind were there this evening to see for themselves what this footage would reveal.
I have opened this thread for the purpose of him giving his report to everyone on SGF when he has completed what he thinks he needs to do to give an unbiased, truthful report, no matter which way it goes. I will still await the two other people who did PM me and volunteer. All having substantial years on SGF.
At the end of these reports, I hope it is closed.
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: