This is another thing that aggravates me about living in Thailand. You're not allowed to question authority, and are expected to blindly follow it. For example, a veterinarian just killed one of my dogs, and after getting upset and sad about it, it turns out I'm the asshole in the situation. He's the doctor, so I'm not allowed to question his expertise.

She had a simple case of food poisoning, just like her brother did a week ago, but we took her to a different vet this time. He pumped her full of drugs, 6 hours later she didn't have the strength to even open her eyes, and 4 hours after that she was dead, lying in her own shit because she didn't have the strength to goto the bathroom. I'm going to miss that cute, pudgy little body waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs when I wake up, with a huge smile on her face, while she wags her tail and butt like mad, waiting for her petting.

You know, if Thais ever want to break out of this cycle of perpetual poverty, they're going to need to learn to begin questioning authority. They need to be educated to question everything they see, and to reach their own conclusions, instead of blindly accepting what they see. There's no shortage of people complaining about how hard life is, but yet, very few seem to realize that reality is a very fluid concept that can be changed. They just accept what they see.

Anyway, I'm tired...