Hey all

Just got back from bangkok! It was extremely fun as this time round, I did this trip alone!! :hello1:

Tawana Hotel

I booked this hotel through Agoda. Excellent location and service. I did not use any of their facilities like the pool or fitness centre so I am not able to comment on that. The hotel interior looks "old" but still grand I may say. Like an old dame! lolx I booked the room with non breakfast deal, but they give me a coupon that entitles me to a 50% breakfast which I did used. Original price was 500baht. So I paid 250baht. Selection of food was not wide. Just the usual english breakfast, cereals, porridge etc. When I checked in, together with the key card, is a small notice advising guests not to bring in, well... guests after 6pm. Else they will be a charge. I was quite worried as someone mentioned to me, there would be no joiners fee in Tawana. Nevertheless, I brought the guy back, and surprisingly the security stopped me and asked if I was a guest at the hotel! :sign5:

Quite stunned for a moment. But not his fault I guess as he has not seen me in the day. He counter-checked at his list and found my name and apologised profusely. But for the boy, he spoke something in Thai and my guess is, was to arrange for exchange of ID or something.

Room was up to standard. Comfortable and big enough for two persons. I only noticed they do not have a dressing mirror. Not that it's a big deal or anything. hahah

Downside is that, they do not have good sound insulation along the corridor. As it is a wooden/parquet flooring, when one walks, it can be loud. The doors can be quite loud too. It makes so much noise when opening and closing that I think everyone (including myself) just slams the door. The handle is quite hard to open I must say. But having said that, all else is okay! I would go back there again! Hehehh

Tawan Bar Review

I reached Tawan at about 8.30pm. My intention was to be there at 9.30pm. I forgot however, that Thailand is one hour behind my own local time and I had forgotten to set my watch. Hahaha

So as I went in, I noticed I was the only patron in the bar. Obviously I was quite embarassed. Staff attended to me and the usual "you want boy" conversations took place. As always, I prefer to choose a guy while he is on stage or everywhere else but not beside me. If I am truly sure, I want the person, then i will call him to my side. I am not comfortable with the idea to call a boy and ask him to go away when i do not like him. I just feel, weird. lolx :hello1:

So, 8.30pm on a Tuesday night I went into the bar. About 10 - 15 mins later, a young hetro couple came in with a staff from Tawan (I assume as when the Tawan boss walked passed, he told the couple "that is my boss"). Like hungry wolves, suddenly all the boys perked up and tries to dance erotically and maintaining eye contact with the japanese girl. Hahaha I expect that, since most are straight anyway. But I think, the japanese couple were there just for the thrill. They left about 30mins later.

Anyways,after ordering beer, i saw familiar faces and new ones. I a not good with names. FYI, I offed #17. I am sure I can find his name in Thaibody. Will do that later. But anyway, in the beginning, I wanted to look and look more. Mekhin was around. I wanted to off him again, but he has this cocky look in him now which turned me off. A tall athletic figure boy came up to me and shook my hands introducing himself. I was not even half interested in him. So i try to look away and hope that he does not seat beside me. He eventually left. Hhahaha

To cut the story short, I finally asked for #17. He is a nice and gentle guy. I bought him a drink and we talked. He said he was from Isaan and has just came back from there after a 2 months holiday. I am amazed that he can still maintain his figure for two months without gym. His family runs a food stall and thinks he is working as a waiter. :blackeye: He stays with his godmother in Bangkok. Around 10pm, asked if he would like to overnight with me. He agreed and we left Tawan to my hotel. When I left, there was only me, a thai local chinese and another white guy as patrons. And the hetro couple too. So, I guess, weekday nights are slow nights for the bars? Not sure though.

On the bed, he was the most gentle and romantic guy ever. I have never felt real stimulation from meck kissing. But the way he does it, was just pure bliss. His kissing was great too! Sure there was no fucking but I felt really really good. We slept in a hugging position till morning.

After he left in the morning, I expected a phone call from security. But none. It is ok. Nothing was missing. Thinking about the phone call, I have forgotten to asked for his number, as we agreed to exchange contact, and if ever I would like to go to..... some place which is 6 hours away from Bangkok for a BB competition in April, I am welcome to join him. hahaha

Taxi to Changi Airport

Flight got delayed due to late arrival of incoming flight....groan

Bye Bye Singapore!!

Lunch over Malaysia


Welcome to THAILAND!!!! OMG!


Where oh where is the immigration....



On the way to hotel. Notice the dashboard and things hanging over the mirror. Just like SG! :love4:

Hotel floor lobby

Bed before sex...

Wooden floors

That is me on the right... wahhaha

Bed after sex...


Such a cosy restaurant...

My nice little bfast


Update the rest later! lolx