I was born and raised in Sydney but am now totally lost in it! Whilst it all looks the same it is totally different behind the scene. About to return for my annual 10 day very expensive visit and do not know where to go for a relaxing drink, with good eye candy, preferable straight and semi-straight young guys who are 'free in the head' but not necessarily in the pocket!

After 10 years in Europe, I thought the place had finally come of age when I returned in 1980 and found Costello's, since made infamous, unfairly, in subsequent paedephilia scourges with explicit press coverage. A mix of gays, young and old, a few rent boys some of whom even brought their girlfriends in. I used to take some of my straight friends there and they never had any idea that is was a gay bar, just a fun place. Not unlike the old Toucan and Apollo in London, with boys in from the East End. Great place for picking up real boys, not the girlie imitations. As a regular able to 'shout a round or two' you even occasionally picked up young guys who were there to pick up other young guys!!

Now I am back in Sydney next week and have no idea of where to go. Do not have the time to trawl Oxford Street, and from what I see walking along the footpath I doubt if I would find the bars that interesting.

Does anyone know of the sort of place I am looking for?