On GB board Monty has indicated he is planning to return and several posters are making suggestions he opens a bar in or near Sunee, even taking over memories.
In email Monty has indicated he wishes to travel with a friend in December to see more of Thailand and he will not be rushing into anything soon.

However there are two expensive white elephants in Sunee, his old pool with bar and the Don Plaza Hotel and terrace Bar that should consider using Montys expertise as mine host to breathe some life into their flagging investments.

Monty will need somewhere to sleep and both businesses can provide that and his meals.
He would not knock back a drink card[ hehehe] but an offer to be able to establish a presence in Sunee, where he can attract those who regularily visited his various bars before and enjoyed his company. He is not allowed to work without a permit. Maybe a percentage of the increase in takings would be a good investment by either of the owners. As well it would be profitable for Monty, who would not have to invest anything except his time.

First the pool. it looks great. Whenever I pass I glance in and see only one or two at the bar which is probably the barman and a friend. I did see someone swimming there last week but maybe later in the year more will come. There is no kitchen all that is gone. But I am sure that if Monty did take up an offer it would be easy to arrange to order meals by phone to Don Plaza with their staff delivering. The pool to take a commission same as the beach concessions do. I have enjoyed Montys show poolside and probably they will never return but maybe a deal with the owners of Wonderland for a nightly show would be good for both places. Wonderland might do it for free for the advertising.

Don Plaza Hotel always seems to be empty. I never see any light in their upper floors.They have a formal dining setup inside and casual dining on the terrace. Seating for 40+. I remember the crowds Monty used to get for his roast and Xmas dinners. The kitchen is wasted and a promoter like Monty could give the whole hotel a new life. Not cooking but promoting and arranging.

I was not going to mention this but the space inside with the tinted windows lends itself for an occasional cabaret show that Monty seems to favour.

There seems to be two outside bars on the terrace one close to Memories and the other next to Corner Bar. I am not sure if both belong to the hotel. Don Plaza also have a host bar
next to the pool and any new traffic to this soi must have some flow on effect. Knowing Monty some of those boys might be enticed over the road to be introduced to his guests.

The owners of both the Pool and Don Plaza would appear to have nothing to lose, but as they seem content to leave the businesses just sit there losing money, may want to continue to do that.

Whatever I am convinced that the return of Monty to Sunee would have a positive impact on Sunee Plaza and hopefully sooner than later.