True, Bao Bao can be a happy guy ... a bit too twee sometimes for this old cynic, but decent and sincere in his own way, and in the best sense.
Also the Owner/Author/Dictator of Bao Bao's Thai World at << >>.
You'll find lots to interest you here, and it's obvious Bao Bao has put in hours and hours of slogging to get it where it is. The photos are prolific and generous . . . he obviously loves Thailand, with warts et al. His many posts on this Board and others shows he is not a naive man, but certainly lacks no empathy about the people of this country.

He is also absolutely fearless at shoving cameras into other people's faces ... a quality which eludes me completely: I'm always very hesitant and self conscious about catching folks unawares.

This particular link inside the blog caught my eye, and I was thinking that my mug had been plastered on these Boards far too many times. Amazingly, it was not all-about-me, but about actual Thai smilers and their toothy grins. Well worth your time to see what you should be doing more often with your own face: << >>

Some examples of great Thai smiles on the blog: