I'm sure many of us here end up at a temple from time to time. I'm curious, as a farang (who I'm assuming doesn't understand Buddhism), how do you conduct yourself? Do you actually partake in the motions? Kneel down before the statue, pickup the little golden elephant, do your three bows, shake your incense, meditate for a bit, three bows again, pick the elephant again, etc... Or what do you guys do?

I find myself going to the temple two or three times a week nowadays, and generally just wander around like and idiot, while I look at the walls and ceiling as if they're absolutely fascinating. Kim loves going, but won't go by himself, mama's not around, and I want him going, so I go with him. Kim keeps prodding me to partake with him, but I don't feel comfortable doing so, as I feel it's somewhat disrespectful. You know, if I understood the underlying beliefs of Buddhism, and understood why I'm doing what I'm doing, then it'd be fine. But I don't, and don't particularly have any ambition to learn, so I just don't feel right in partaking with him.

I'm happy that he goes, feels fulfilled afterwards, and that's enough for me. I'm more than content with the Canadians beliefs and world-view I was brought up with, and have no need to learn Buddhism. I know the majority of Thais could care less if I partook with Kim's meditation, and wouldn't think anything of it, but I don't care. I'll stick with the empathetic and compassionate beliefs I was raised with. I think me participating is somewhat disrespectful to Buddhism as a whole, unless I first take the time to learn why I'm doing it.

Anyway, I strayed off there... so, what do you guys do while at a temple? Do you actually partake in meditation with your friend?