"Thailand is not falling sharply. The point is that other countries are doing better. Stephane Garelli Professor, IMD

In the global race for prosperity, Thailand's competitiveness is increasing. But the bad news is other nations are moving faster.

This is the message from Stephane Garelli, a professor at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), whose World Competitiveness Centre has been a pioneer in the study of competitiveness since 1989. Thailand's ranking in world competitiveness has slipped five places this year, from 27th to 32nd, out of 61 countries in the survey.

In 2002, Thailand ranked 31st, before improving to 30th in 2003, 29th in 2004 and 27th last year. But this year, its ranking dropped five places, because performance by other countries picked up steam.

"Thailand's competitiveness is not falling sharply. The point is that other countries are doing better," said Garelli.

Thailand, South Korea (from 29th last year to 38th this year), New Zealand (from 16th to 22nd), France (from 30th to 35th), Chile (from 19th to 24th) and Italy (from 53rd to 56th) are among the worst performers. The top performers include China (from 31st to 19th), India (from 39th to 29th), Malaysia (from 28th to 23rd), Austria (17th to 13th), Japan (21st to 17th) and Mexico (56th to 53rd). ....."

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