My Thai boyfriend loves giving me presents. It doesn't have to be a special occasion but Christmas is an obvious excuse.

His presents tend to be a bit "unorthodox" and also tend to highlight the difference in taste between us.

His fashion sense is, in my opinion, very questionable so the clothes he buys me can be a bit of a mixed blessing. Bright blue shorts with yellow spots and bright pink t-shirts are not to my taste so it takes some tact to explain why I don't spend my time with him dressed in the clothes he's bought me.

This Christmas he gave me two pairs of "toe socks". I didn't know that they existed so certainly hadn't given him any reason to think that I needed any.

In case anybody is also unfamiliar with them they are socks with individual "toes" like the fingers on gloves. Putting them on was tricky and they looked ridiculous. They were also too small which was my excuse as I explained that Farang feet are not suited to them so I had to leave them unworn. I also did my best to discourage him from trying to find some larger ones.

On my return home I showed them to friend who instantly exclaimed "What a good idea, you could wear them with flip-flops!".

Don't worry, he doesn't visit Thailand.