I've been visiting Pattaya for many years and enjoy "offing" Go Go Boys, usually to a Short Time Hotel sometimes to my own hotel.

I've remained on good terms with many ex Go Go Boys and have never had bad experience as some seem to. I'm careful to talk to the boy in the bar before I "off" him and the fact that I speak basic Thai helps. I like to take photos and always check with the boy in the bar first if that will be OK.

So I'm experienced and well aware of most of the scams but a few days ago I was taken by surprise by an unusual piece of behaviour.

I "offed" a very shy and very cute boy in a "Boys Town" bar and we went to a short time room. I'll call him "A". I paid him afterwards for what had been a really excellent time and he seemed pleased and happy as well. I said I would "off" him again the next night and would email him the photos which he posed for beautifully.

The same happened the next night except that after we'd finished I took "A" to "Copa" as he'd not seen the show. I know one of the dancers from years ago when he was a Go Go Boy and he joined us after the show and sat with us for a drink.

When I came to leave I gave my friend some money, for old time's sake, and then offered the same to "A" for the extra time I'd spent with him compared with the previous evening. He refused, instantly, which I could see staggered my old friend.

Everything I'd learned about "A" suggested that he was a very genuine and totally honest young man but the cynic in me couldn't help trying to work out what was coming next. Some new scam perhaps?

I "offed" him three more times and he never pressed me for more money. I can't get the thought of him turning down money out of my head. After all it's how he earns his living and I don't think I overpaid him and certainly wouldn't have begrudged him more.

I can't see that I breached any subtle piece of Thai etiquette so I wonder why he was so adamant that he didn't want anymore money.