Whilst I visit Gay Bars [The Balcony number 1], and Go-Go Bars [used to like Young Man now go to Solid] I do prefer the 'thrill of the chase' and my preference is chatting up boys with real jobs, and inviting them out to eat/drink. Can be lucky or can miss out, but the hit rate in Bangkok over past 10 years is about 50/50, way above any other city in the world that I know of. Macca's has been a great source in Bangkok over the years, but also clothing shops, juice shops, restaurants, in fact anywhere where staff can be talked to by customers. Then there is always the 'shopping centres', boys who are 'bored with nothing to do' are approachable anywhere in the world, but softly, softly.

Apart from the well known Silom Complex is there any other interesting shopping complex, maybe a little less policed than Silom, full of bored, hot horny young males wanting to get off?