After sending Flight of the Gibbon / Tree Top Asia some easily verifiable personal details and my relatively minor safety concerns I received a number of e-mails in reply. Any comment from me would be as unnecessary as anything along the lines of "sorry, I was wrong" would be unlikely from "the usual suspects".

I am sure that, if requested, Flight of the Gibbon would confirm their correspondence and, if necessary, they or I can send anyone genuinely interested full copies of the correspondence (less my personal details) and the answers to my other points as and when they are answered.

"Highlights" of their e-mails are as follows:

From: gibbonsreachingout Flight of the Gibbon (

... Good point you are bringing up. See below...

I get it, we were talking about different girls. You are right, that girl is a composite image of her with a background of the forest. She is actually ziplining, not being lowered.

Good point. Maybe that guide should be wearing a body harness, I won't try to claim that he shouldn't be. .. I did read your background - definitely extensive and I don't want to dismiss your considerable experience. .. . I do agree that full-body harnesses are safer in general though, and our customers always wear them.

. If I hear back about those questions I will forward them on.