I'm sure we've all seen some Issan music here and there. Singer or two, with a bunch of dancers behind him / her, right? They travel all throughout Northern Thailand as a group performing, etc. I'm curious, has anyone here ever been close to one of the dancers, and if so, could you by chance provide any insight as to the lifestyle that leads? Just general info about the lifestyle, daily routine, etc. The farangs I've asked have no idea, and it's not something I'm comfortable asking the Thais I associate with. They'll know why I'm asking, so I can't expect an honest answer. Thais take care of their own, and all that.

And what happens if you get a job with a group when you're say 13 - 15yo? You're too young and small to be a dancer, so that's out. So what do you do? Take care of laundry, cleaning, dishes, pack clothes and equipment around, etc.? Or what happens? Or more bluntly, do you get passed around and/or sold for sex?

Any insight given would be appreciated. Thanks!