in Congress two bills that would grant immigration rights to gay couples have given the issue unprecedented attention in the fractious battle over immigration reform expected to play out in the upcoming autumn legislative session. Should the bills be included in a larger immigration package (one that could ultimately include a path to citizenship for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants), they could become a significant step for gay rights under the Obama administration. For the first time the federal government would acknowledge the rights of gays and lesbians to live in this country with their partner of choice, regardless of national origin.

The timing of the legislation is unclear. Democratic Senate leaders have pushed to pass a bill by yearтАЩs end but are mired in the colossal tug-of-war that is health care reform, and sources say a vote on immigration likely wonтАЩt happen until next year. Hispanic groups and pro-immigration lobbies that saw reform attempts in Congress go down in flames in 2007 also are cautious. тАЬThey want to do it right this time and move forward smartly,тАЭ says one lobbyist, тАЬwhich means taking the time to build consensus.тАЭ