Yes finaly I get my heart broken in Thailand, and everyone will say I should've known better but who does.

I was staying in a different part of town than where I usually stay in Bangkok, quite close to the main tourist mecca's, anyway I went out for a stroll one evening and found myself in the thick of things in Soi Arab.

Very soon I found myself pressed up against a truck on the pavement by the seething crowds, the truck was selling what looked like lychees on steroids, rambutans and mangosteens, I had no where to go so decided to buy some.

As I was looking over the fruit I suddenly felt a soft warm little hand press into mine. It felt like the hand of a little child. When I looked down I saw a hairy little head and the the hand was reaching up to my arm, it was a little baby elephant asking for some fruit.

I must say It was quite a shock, and disgust and heart-ache very quickly followed. The baby elephant was tiny it couldn't have been much older than a year. The frightened and bullied little infant was being driven through the crowds by two youths with a sharp hook stopping for paid photo opportunities with tourists as they went.

Please do not ever pay people like this and let your anger be known. The middle of Bangkok is not the place for a baby elephant or any elephant for that matter, babies should be with their mothers and not paraded through crowds of tourists in the middle of the night.

I can only imagine it had been trucked in under cover and off loaded where ever tourists were plentiful, this is illegal and quite rightly so, so please do not patronise them in any form.