I was suddenly called away from Pattaya - had to get to BKK quickly, which is a shame as I now much prefer Pattaya to BKK. Anyway, a friend from Japan arrived unexpectedly so I immediately shot up here and offered to show him the infamous Soi Twighlight. I wish I hadn't. And so did he.
We started off in Future Boys. No future here, I reckon. Although they had probably 30 or more guys, for the first time I can recall not ONE appealed to me in the slightest. Lots of slim femme guys with incongruous macho tatoos, as well a number of escapees from a provincial retirement home. My friend was very tired (read: bored shitless) and decided to retire for the night. So I went to Xboys who also had heaps of boys. One, a gogo dancer in orange shorts, sat down immediately next to me, uninvited. I told him I was not interested but he would not go away. He started with the "I don't like Thai. Only farang. I go with you tonight?" routine. I watched the show and was excited to see the absolutely STUNNING guy from last time - he does the main part in the candle show. There was also another stunner. Both have perfect 6 packs and huge cocks. After the show I got up to leave and the mamasan pushed me to tip the annoying boy who, incidentally, would not shut up during the show. Needless to say, he got nothing from me.
I looked into Fresh Beach Boys but there were only around 10 boys altogether - mostly unattractive. Nothing happening there.
I then moved on to Classic boys with the promise of a fuck show at midnight. I found the boys in Classic to be a better mixture than in April, when they were all femme boys. This time there were heaps of guys, and some were attractive masculine guys. All the boys were very desperate to be taken off - hadn't seen a customer in a while, I'd guess. They gestured, winked, waved and smiled profusely. A bit embarrasing all around, I suspect. Midnight approached but there was no hint of the promised fuck show. I asked the Mamasan and she said there would not be a show as there weren't enough customers. I was the only one.
Foolishly, I ran off to catch the show at Future Boys, as they promised the fuck show. IT WAS PATHETIC!!!! The entire show was a waste of time. 3 guys writhing on stage - simulated cock sucking. More guys writhing on stage - simulated something or other, not sure. Finally a sex -hormone -charged femme boy with budding breasts (!!!) and braces on his teeth bent over and took it.
I finally ended up at Screwboys where they had a nice selection. A fuck show, too, but not very entertaining. I offed a boy who I had offed many times previously but this time he seemed to be a little off with the fairies. Was he just tired? Was it something else? Don't know, but he did perform magnificently in bed, so no complaints in that department.
Mark, come up to BKK and open Krazy Dragon number 2. You'd make a fucking fortune!