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Thread: When Barry met Leo

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Munich Bavaria, Houston TX, Sydney NSW

    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Having an acknowledgement from Matt that he doesn’t pay taxes anywhere is a first – after several digs from me. Undoubtedly part of being an Entitled Millennial. His justification is going to be how much he contributes to the local economy (as if the rest of us don’t) which is “better” than paying tax. It’s exactly how Donald Trump would respond. I see the date for his triumphant return to SE Asia keeps receding into the future, although in all other respects normal service has resumed

    After three failed “husbands” (pause for sniggering) you’d think he’d realise the problem may be with him but I suspect that’s too much of a stretch for our Entitled Millennial. However, the notion of seeking out multiple fucks (he’s now going to embrace polygamy he says) for someone who is, as he claims, “legally blind” is one beyond my imagination. Will he use his newly minted personal assistant to do the vetting? How will he know that the person presenting himself as a frisky 22 year old is not in fact a raddled 72 year old?

    Polyamory can be tricky to manage. I recall visiting the Amer Fort in Rajasthan where the rajah maintained a number of female sexual partners in separate rooms and visited each via a common corridor so the others would not know whom he was favouring. Is Matt proposing he’ll be the pasha and the inhabitants of the other bedrooms will be available only to him? Or is he proposing that they can also play among themselves to his exclusion? Only one at a time or will all-in orgies be allowed, nay, encouraged?

  2. #182
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Quote Originally Posted by Blacktouch View Post
    Matt, you now have your passport, so what is stopping you going to Laos?

    Once you are there, maybe, just maybe Leo will join you?

    Maybe as you stayed away so long, he thinks you're not interested in him?

    May I kindly ask, what is taking you so long to move to Laos?

    Money. Ummm, prior to meeting Leo I sort of gave up on life, and didn't really push myself. I worked enough to give myself and my dogs a good, comfortable life, but that was it. I didn't push myself to my full potential.

    Then Leo showed up in my life, and basically brought me back from the dead. He taught me how to love again. I began working hard again, but unfortunately for me, I went blind about 6 weeks after Leo moved in. Naturally, going blind takes a toll on your finances. I burned through my savings, plus help from my family, and we were poor for a while. Poor to the point Leo didn't eat for three days one time, because we simply didn't have any money, not even 20 baht for a bag of rice. He stuck by my side though, and was unwilling to leave me.

    Going blind is really difficult, and I can't remember how many times exactly I tried to commit suicide, but Leo was there to stop me each time. I remember my father flew out from Canada twice and showed up in Kgon Kaen without telling me, trying to bring me back to Canada. Both times I adamantly refused, as I was unwilling to leave either, Leo or my dogs.

    I also made myself quite sick several times due to poor diet, to the point I was bed ridden at times. Leo's the one who did all the shopping, ensured I ate properly, and got back on my feet during these times.

    We went through some really rough financial times together, but due to his love and support, I was able to get myself back on track. He simply wouldn't stop believing in me, and wouldn't let me give up hope. The two of us together managed to figure out this whole blind thing, and I was able to begin bringing in decent money again, and more than enough to give us a good life, plus had enough saved up to move to Vientiane and put 6 months rent down on a house.

    Then I got banged up at the Laos border, and deported to Canada. Leo slept with me in the jail cell in Nong Khai, he flew with me to Bangkok, he visited me at the IDC, he kept in contact with my mother to keep her calm and arrange my deportation, he was there at the BKK airport after I was transported via prison truck to say goodbye. He wasn't willing to leave my side until he knew I was safely on an airplane back to Canada.

    Naturally, upon returning to Canada I went through depression, culture shock, fighting with my family, etc. Leo went through quite a bit himself during this time.

    My work in Khon Kaen was enough to take good care of us, but it wasn't really sustainable in the long term -- due to going blind I couldn't really develop with my previous platform, plus my software was outdated anyway. Since I was in the safety of Canada and my parents place, I decided to go for the long-term game. I developed an entire new software platform that is / will be open sourced, I taught myself various new technologies, I fostered new business relationships, etc. These things take time.

    I was a week or two away from completing that initial contract, and getting the remaining $20k USD owed, and being in Vientiane. Then this winter is / was looking excellent for me. Once I have everything in place, the buy-in for those distributor contracts will go up to around $50k at least, plus I structured the business deals to be mutually benefical and promote a high level of synergy, so each distributor would probably bring me in around $60k/year after the initial buy-in. Not to mention, all the other revenue sources I will be pursuing. I've done a distributor program like this in the past, it works, and works well, so I have the expereience and skills necessary to pull it off.

    I was a week or two away from getting there, then one morning I got that phone call. I just assumed Leo was in his village waiting for me, and instead I heard Leo in an excited tone say, "here, talk to Barry!", and I ended up talking with some 31 year old dude from Ireland. I will never forget that call, as it absolutely crushed me.

    The next 6 weeks or so is a blur for me, and I don't really remember a whole lot. I remember Leo calling me and telling me he tried to kill himself. Then I remember later messages from him saying he's find and doesn't care about us. Then messages begging me to come back to him. Then that phone call saying he's with Tobi now, so he can take care of me in Vientiane, but no more sex. He quickly recanted on that mindset after talking with me for a quick few minutes. I remember we had some house gusts during that time. I remember my parents took off for a weekend, so it was just me and the cat. That's about it, and the rest is just a blur.

    At least Leo apologized, as 13 years later, I have yet to get an apology from my first husband. At least Leo owns this, and takes responsibility for what he did. He's apologized many times now, but a couple days ago was the most sincere apology I got from me. I proceeded to ask him things like, "What did I do wrong? I tried to be a good husband, and I loved you very much, but what could I have done differently to make things better?".

    He just responded saying noting, and it's all because of him, and I'm "very very very good". So I asked if I'm so good, why doesn't he want to be with me? He just said because he believes he's not worthy of me, and is afriad of hurting me even more.

    So I have no idea. I don't even know what I want anymore, nor does he, hence why he has yet to tell me to fuck off and leave him alone. Again, just let him see me in person again, and I bet this all changes in 5 seconds.

    There, hopefully that clarifies things a little more. To me at least, he's hardly just another poor rice farmer who happens to have a nice ass. So this advice of "just get a new boy" doesn't really work that easily.

  3. #183
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    PS. Oh, and the other reason for the new delay is I had to build a repour with Kong, since Leo fucked off on me. I'm blind now, so I can't just head out to the other side of the world easily. I need someone on the other end who I can trust, so I had to build a friendship with Kong before I was comfortable leaving. I have that friendship now, and I trust him enough to take good care of me.

    Now I just need to quickly finish up this contract, get my $20k, and I'm out of here.

  4. #184
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
    PS. Oh, and the other reason for the new delay is I had to build a repour with Kong, since Leo fucked off on me. I'm blind now, so I can't just head out to the other side of the world easily. I need someone on the other end who I can trust, so I had to build a friendship with Kong before I was comfortable leaving. I have that friendship now, and I trust him enough to take good care of me.

    Now I just need to quickly finish up this contract, get my $20k, and I'm out of here.
    Like sands through the hourglass,
    so are the days of our lives


  5. #185
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post

    At least Leo apologized, as 13 years later, I have yet to get an apology from my first husband. At least Leo owns this, and takes responsibility for what he did. He's apologized many times now,

    It is clear that everyone around, every boyfriend you've had, has been really mean to you.
    If one thing comes through your every post, you are a wonderful, loving husband, but your partners have all been terrible, and some of them have not even apologized to you. I really they will! What's fair is fair, they should own up!

    You say you are 37, and you've been stuck with awful partners, boyfriends, husbands, your whole life. Not a single nice person!

    They should all apologize, and remind you that you are loving, caring, behind them 100 percent no matter their choices, supportive. You are carrying their whole families, more, you are saving lives of their family membes, literally, by spending, what was it, $100.000 USD the last time?
    You, yourself, at times, ate so little, for lack of money, you were sick in bed, unable to get up from the bed, due to poor food choices.

    You are an awesome husband, cdnmatt, don't ever forget that! These people are undeserving of you.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post

    He [Leo from Laos] just responded saying noting, and it's all because of him, and I'm "very very very good". So I asked if I'm so good, why doesn't he want to be with me? He just said because he believes he's not worthy of me, and is afriad of hurting me even more.
    At least he knows how awesome you are!

  6. #186
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post

    So I have no idea. I don't even know what I want anymore, nor does he, hence why he has yet to tell me to fuck off and leave him alone.

    No no no no, you know what you want, you posted your plan for new life right here, few days ago:

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
    No, I'm not moving on to the next guy.

    After three tries, to hell with monogamy, I'll give polygamy a try.

    Grab my nice 5 bedroom house with a swimming pool, then just find a few more guys exactly like Kong -- young, gay, sweet, broke university students to come live with me. I don't know, Kong seems absolutely thrilled about the prospect of living with me as I'm sure Leo has talked me up quite a bit over the past couple years, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a few more like him. Not sure how I'm going to do this, because I can't use the apps anymore, but I'll figure it out.

    Not only does that sound like a hell of a good time, it also makes more sense. This way I'm not completely reliant on Kong, and instead will have 3 or 4 guys coming and going all the time. That will be perfect.
    Should we not take your posts seriously any more, cdnmatt?

  7. #187
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
    Money. Ummm, prior to meeting Leo I sort of gave up on life, and didn't really push myself. I worked enough to give myself and my dogs a good, comfortable life, but that was it. I didn't push myself to my full potential.

    Then Leo showed up in my life, and basically brought me back from the dead.

    Prior to meeting Leo from Laos, you had basically given up on life. When did you meet Leo from Laos, wasn't it around 2017, something like that?

    Here is your post from February 2016:

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
    Well, I spoil (take good care of) the dogs, drink too much, eat imported food (Australian rib-eye, Norwegian salmon, etc.), have people such as my neighbors over for dinner once in a while, support the cell phone salesman (the regular I take off), etc. Then in the hot months (ie. 10 months/year) I do stupid things like leave the A/C on in my bedroom 24x7, because I like to get blasted with +18C air whenever the urge hits me. I can't turn on any of the other A/Cs in the house, because I have the dogs and smoke inside, so I keep my bedroom like a walk-in fridge.

    I live good and all, and I don't go without, but compare it to say my parents or older brothers in Canada, then no, I'm not living like a king. On the flip side, compare it to how many of the locals around here live, then yeah, I have it pretty good. It's all relative.

    And also 2016, few days earlier:

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
    I'm up here in Khon Kaen, and I spend probably $2500/month, and my life sucks, lol.

    Ok, that's actually wrong. I do live a pretty decent life and everything, but I'm hardly living like a king. Some of the locals may think I'm quite well off, but compared to Western standards, not so much.

    Interesting, isn't it? I remember reading about your income, and how well you did in Khon Kaen, because it seemed odd at the time. Australian rib-eye, Norwegian salmon, not bad! Today you posted you were so I'll from eating bad food, you couldn't even stand up, you were bed ridden from bad food, could have been food poisoning, fish especially, left out in day time heat can do that to you.

    This was an interesting thread, "Living in Thailand under $500"


  8. #188
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Yeah, exactly what I said. I made enough to live a comfortable life, but I was basically going month to month.

    I'm not like my parents or brothers, and I don't have $1.5 million sitting in investment accounts. I know full well if I worked hard, I could have that though.

    Then naturally, going blind kind of fucked up my work live on me. I got that for the most part settled now though.

  9. #189
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    Where did the Bit Coins go?

  10. #190
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: When Barry met Leo

    How many times do I have to say this? Just because I happen to get paid mainly in bitcoin doesn't mean I'm rich.

    Same as just because someone happens to get paid in US dollars, doesn't mean they're rich,

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