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Thread: Bangkok report July 2018

  1. #1
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Bangkok report July 2018

    I arrived in Bangkok on Thursday from Mandalay. I had booked a hotel for 8 nights but only lasted 5.

    I didn't escape here solely because of the lack of sex - after my Yangon experience I certainly wasn't expecting any action - rather, I just got templed out. I hired a driver every day but after day one I'd had enough. There is a temple on every corner and down every alleyway and the hills surrounding the city are covered with them. They are the only tourist attractions in Mandalay and apart from a few architectural gems, they quickly start to all look the same. Basically I became totally stupefied by all the stupas.

    But sex did play a part, if I am to be honest. There were lots of good looking guys working at my hotel and the security guard was stunning. Out on the streets there are lots of bare-chested hot, sweaty guys to admire but I found wandering around all day in 42 degree temperatures with a permanent hard-on very uncomfortable. So I decided to forfeit my remaining nights in the hotel - they would not offer me a refund - and make my way here.

    Immigration was deserted so I arrived quickly at my hotel - the one which dares not speak its name. After a quick shower it was off to my regular hang-out to meet up with my guy and the two others I spent my last holiday with back in May.

    How quickly things change! Only my regular boy was there -the other two were nowhere to be seen. One now has a day job and the other apparently is working at Tokyo Boys.

    But not to worry ; my friend quickly introduced me to a rather handsome, masculine guy who had recently started work. He sat next to me and immediately took my hand and put it down his briefs. Now you're talking!

    His cock was already rock-hard but the girth suddenly had a alarm bells ringing. Uh oh! Please don't tell me it's one of those silicone cocks! Nooooo!

    My guy knows how much I hate silicone! What the fuck was he doing introducing me to him?? I quickly started thinking of how I could extricate myself from the situation. I took my hand off it but he then pulled down his briefs and put my hand back on it. I decided to take a look.

    OMG! There was no silicone! It was real!

    Sudden movement in my shorts alerted him to the fact that I was very much interested in what he had to offer, so he quickly dropped his briefs and sat next to me, butt-naked. Three hours of full-on cock play followed, ending with the most spectacular cumshot from a guy I've seen in a long, long time. He had put his feet up on a footstool and was frantically jacking off; I only took over when he was about to cum. The first spurt flew straight up into the air. I reeled back to get out of the way but it was too late - he came over my shirt and shorts and also hit my guy who was sitting the other side of me. The other boys in the bar started laughing and broke out into applause - they were as impressed as I was. Wow! Now that's what I call a cumshot!

    He has the perfectly sized cock for a top - thick but not too long - so I arranged to off him last night after I'd been to a soi Twilight show. But by the time I'd arrived in the bar it was basically deserted. Apparently, two separate customers had come to the bar in the afternoon and both had opened bottles of whisky - eight in total! A quick ring-around and all the boys who usually stay home turned up in the bar and got roaring drunk and had gone home to sleep it off. Luckily, other guy I'd had fun with in the past was there and he whipped it out and asked me to chuck-wow him.

    Sure. No probrem.

    Now to the show at X-Boys. You'll be pleased to know that the old-style gymnastics inspired fuck show has made a welcome return. A stunningly handsome top fucked a guy in every "conceivable" position - and with the lights fully on! No more straining to get a look; this was right in my face. The top made sure that we all got a perfect view of the action. It was like watching a porn movie.

    Apart from that act, the rest of the show was just so-so. But I didn't care.

    Sometimes in a bar, the action in the audience is more entertaining that what happens on stage. When I walked in, there was a fat Chinese middle-aged lady sitting right down the front with a guy who looked like her gay son. She had a huge wad of 1000 baht notes in her hand- at least 50,000 baht, maybe more. She lined up whisky shots and invited the boys on stage to drink as many as they could, each shot wrapped in a 1000 note. I was horrified when one young guy downed 10! No doubt it was the quickest 10,000 baht he'd ever earned, but had he lived to enjoy it? What an idiot. Other boys eagerly took up the challenge but they struggled to drink more than 5 and a couple seemed to be about to puke.

    She also lined up shots along the edge of the bar, each sitting on a 1000 note and the performers in the show all partook of her generosity. Their performance rapidly went downhill. Lol.

    She had a number of boys sit with her son and everything was going very well when suddenly she started shouting at one of them and pushed him away. The boy escaped to the cashiers desk but she followed him and continued shouting at him. Things were getting ugly. I asked one of the waiters what was going on. Apparently, she wanted to boy to fuck both her and her son and he had asked for 4,000 baht and had refused to lower the price. If you'd seen her, you wouldn't have, either!

    As I walked out I noticed she had taken another wad of notes and placed them in a glass. For the boys it was a very profitable night's work indeed!

    I ended my night in Screwboys. I arrived in time for the 1am show but apart from a short sucking show featuring two guys with humongous cocks, and a rather energetic fuck show, it was just a procession of lip-syncing ladyboys.

    At around 1:30 a number of young Vietnamese guys turned up, got changed and appeared on stage - no doubt they'd come to continue work after soi twilight had finished.

    A farang next to me asked a waiter how much the boys were asking. He was told it was 3000 baht for 3 hours.

    Needless to say, he left alone.

  2. 4 Users gave Like to post:

    bobsaigon2 (June 30th, 2018), Jellybean (June 30th, 2018), Moses (June 30th, 2018), paborn (June 30th, 2018)

  3. #2
    Senior member paborn's Avatar
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    I will never understnad why anyone would not pick a guy, ask his rate and then make an offer. It's been a long time since a Thai Gay bar was so busy that they could hold out for such amounts, well, perhaps Jupiter but they have always been an exception. I never leave alone and never pay that .

  4. User who gave Like to post:

    arsenal (July 2nd, 2018)

  5. #3
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by paborn View Post
    I will never understnad why anyone would not pick a guy, ask his rate and then make an offer. It's been a long time since a Thai Gay bar was so busy that they could hold out for such amounts, well, perhaps Jupiter but they have always been an exception. I never leave alone and never pay that .
    Exactly. I always ask a boy over from the stage and then ask him his short time price during the sitting together. Strange to read others don't do it like that. I negotiate only with the boy. Most go for 1500/2000 short time.

  6. User who gave Like to post:

    arsenal (July 2nd, 2018)

  7. #4
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    After dinner I checked out Tokyo Boys, as one of the guys I had fun with last trip had moved there. He was sitting outside waiting for me.

    We quickly moved inside and the first thing that struck me about the place was how tiny it is - one side of the room is mostly taken up by the bar counter, with a small seating area next to it, and there were around 5 very small tables on the other side up against the wall. There is a ridiculously tiny stage at the back of the bar. Nature Boy immediately came to mind.

    My table was right up against the stage. Normally, I wouldn't have minded being so close to the action, but unfortunately, I found the guys to be very unattractive. Of the 7 crammed like sardines onto the stage, 5 were overweight -ok I guess, if you are into chubby guys, but definitely not for me. Two guys were slim and I found them mildly attractive but I still wouldn't off either of them.

    My guy stood out like a sore thumb as the most appealing boy in the bar. Not only that, since I last saw him around 9 or so weeks ago he has now developed a six pack and has bulging arm muscles to match! My god, how can that transformation happen in such a short time? How can you go from a normal physique to having a washboard stomach in 9 weeks? He is incredibly proud of his achievement, as well he should be. The other guys should perhaps learn from him. For a fleeting moment I thought maybe I could also transform myself, but I fear I have left my run a little too late!

    Drinks are 350 baht, which is way to expensive for a bar with so few guys on stage. But the rent must be horrendous.

    Sitting so close to the boys meant that I was constantly being harassed for drinks. I'd soon had enough so decided to leave, telling my guy I'd be back to off him after I had seen the show at XBoys.

    Unfortunately, pouring rain had put a dampener, so to speak, on activities over in Soi Twilight and the place was deserted. I sat at the beer bar directly opposite XBoys to see if any customers turned up. I only saw the Chinese lady from the night before go in.

    Meanwhile, I was joined on the sofa by a cute Lao guy. And then it started. "I go with you tonight? You nice man. I love you" yada yada. He was driving me mad. I managed to hold on until show time but as I'd not seen any other customers entering the bar, it was clear that there would be no show. So I escaped to Golden Cock where one of the guys was waiting for his chuck-wow. By now it was really pissing down and the soi was flooded.

    When there was a break in the weather I went back to Tokyo Boys to pick up my guy for the night. When I arrived the show was in full swing - a fat ladyboy was lip-syncing whilst doing her best to fit onto the stage.

    I paid the 600 baht off fee and we walked back to the hotel. Everything at that stage seemed fine, but when we got to the room it was apparent he'd been drinking. Alarm bells rang when I heard loud sounds of water coming from the bathroom. I went to see what was going on and found him in a rather confused state, not knowing how to turn off the shower. Needless to say, the bathroom floor resembled the flooded sois outside. For some reason he'd also turned on the basin taps.

    I suggested we leave it to another time but he insisted he was ok, so we jumped into the bed. It all started well, with an exquisite, if over-enthusiastic, blow job. But he couldn't get it up. A serious case of brewer's droop. I worked on him for a while and he got semi-hard but it was nowhere near the large appendage I know he possesses.

    So out with the ipad for some Japanese porn. When there was a bit if movement downstairs he slipped on a condom but his cock was nowhere near up to the task. So back to the porn.

    This went on for an eternity but eventually he got it absolutely rock hard. It was enormous! Where did that come from? I don't remember it ever being that big. Don't tell me he has been working on that part of his body, too!

    I quickly got into position. He put it in with all the subtly of a sledge-hammer - he just rammed it home. Ouch! After the initial shock things quickly settled down and we got going. Now you're talking!

    Alas, it lasted less than a minute as he'd lost his hard-on for the umpteenth time.

    He ripped off the condom and rolled over on his back for the chuck-wow. Well, what can I say? Despite watching more porn his cock was up and down like a yo-yo. Forty or so minutes later his cock suddenly grew to it's enormous size and he finally came. By now I had lost interest and my arm was on the verge of falling off.

    He finished me with a blow job and that was it.

    Needless to say, I was not happy at all. I know from his time in Golden Cock that he's a drinker - one drink would be gulped down in less than a minute or two and he'd be ready for the next one.

    But working in a gogo bar is different. He should know that he must restrain his urge to get drunk, and drink responsibly. Otherwise he has no chance of scoring repeat offs.

    Which is what he wanted from me.

    Fat chance of that happening.

  8. 2 Users gave Like to post:

    arsenal (July 2nd, 2018), paborn (July 1st, 2018)

  9. #5
    Senior member Mancs's Avatar
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    Thank you for the info on Tokyo Boys. I haven't been but I will give it a miss. At Screwboys many of the young men get dressed and go out while the shows are on eg. 01.00 to 01.35 so are just returning to work when the show ends.

  10. #6
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    I can't see Tokyo Boys surviving with its present line-up of boys. There are sideways some boys in every bar who I don't find attractive but this is the first time I can honestly say all, apart from one, are very unattractive indeed. I'm guessing the bar opened very quickly and they didn't have time to find good - looking guys. But why have they employed all those fat guys? Surely they need a variety and the majority should be fit boys, not fat boys.

    And the fact that the bar is so tiny means they can only cram in a small number of customers so even charging 350 baht for drinks, it is hard to see how they could make a profit. But I hope I'm wrong.

    One of the things I love about my Bangkok boy is that he takes such good care of me, and not just in bed. He knows the type of boys I like - handsome, slim and well-hung - and he had many friends who got that category and gets them to come to the bar to meet me.

    Tonight when I got there he rushed up to me all excited, saying he had invited his friend over to see me.

    "He from Lao and have very long cock. You can hold with two hands!"

    He walked in and I nearly fell off my chair. OMG! What an absolute stunner! I went weak at the knees as he sat down beside me. Just gorgeous! He smiled at me and my knees were literally knocking together. I was speechless. He reminded me of the stunningly handsome guy at Boyzboyzboyz who I wrote about in a trip report a few years ago. A one in a million guy.

    "You can touch his cock. No problem."

    He looked at me and smiled. I couldn't believe my eyes. Or my luck. He undid his belt and unzipped his fly and then opened his briefs to give me a look.

    What? Where's the big cock? It's actually very much on the small side. What a let-down!

    I squeezed it and suddenly it sprung to life and started to grow. And grow. And grow some more. Fuck, it's huge!

    "See? I tell you he big."

    I held it with both hands and it still stuck out the top.

    It turns out he used to work at XBoys but has since "retired." He told me he had made a lot of money but needed a rest from the bar scene and the snooty mamasans. I imagine he would have been in very high demand. Definitely the bar star.

    I enjoyed 2 hours of hands-on fun with him while the other Lao guy with the fat cock sat on the other side of me stroking my cock. He was in a particularly happy mood, as I had arranged to off him tonight.

    As we left the bar my friend told me he had already arranged for us to meet again.

    I wasn't sure how tonight's sex was going to pan out. This afternoon's session was cut a little bit short as I found it a bit painful. This is because of the way last night's off rammed his cock into me with so much force. I told him I'd give it a go but he would have to take it slowly. If we couldn't fuck it wouldn't matter, as his speciality is blow jobs. He's an expert.

    But all went well, as he's also a top par excellence. I even got to witness a repeat of that awesome cumshot.

    I wonder who my friend has lined up for me tomorrow night?

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    dab69 (July 4th, 2018)

  12. #7
    Senior member paborn's Avatar
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    From a small, non scientific and very personal survey; Lao boys are hot as all hell.

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    a447 (July 2nd, 2018), dab69 (July 4th, 2018)

  14. #8
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by paborn View Post
    From a small, non scientific and very personal survey; Lao boys are hot as all hell.
    In my non scientific and very personal experience Cambodian boys aren't far behind. Vietnamese are almost as useless as Thai guys. Japanese are by far the kinkiest but you don't find very many Japanese money boys in Thailand - my experiences are with Japanese money boys in First World countries

  15. #9
    Senior member paborn's Avatar
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    agreed. I have had a great experience with Cambodians and totally agree about the Vietnamese. I have met dozens, you would think they would eventually realize that they are in the wrong line of work.

    My preference for Lao and it is just a personal thing is that I like Vanilla and the Lao ( in my experience ) are, often, the light skinned porcelain boys like the Northern Thai of Chang Mai that I love. Just personal.

  16. 2 Users gave Like to post:

    a447 (July 2nd, 2018), arsenal (July 2nd, 2018)

  17. #10
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Re: Bangkok report July 2018

    The idea of offing a boy without discussing your requirements and terms of payment is an act of folly. My experience of Cambodian boys has been almost universally good both in Thailand and Cambodia. Hertha Massage in Phnom Penh has wall to wall lookers.

  18. User who gave Like to post:

    a447 (July 2nd, 2018)

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