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Thread: Pleasure from being a bottom?

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Pleasure from being a bottom?

    Maybe someone can help explain this, as I've never been able to figure it out.

    Ask any bottom out there if it hurts to get fucked, and nearly everytime you'll get the same answer. It hurts very much at first, but later it feels good. I've tried to let people top me a few times, and yeah, it fucken hurts.

    So if it hurts, I don't understand why I'd ever want to do that to someone I love, let alone a hooker off a go-go bar stage if I'm a decent human being. If I love that person especially, why would I want to hurt them like that? I want to make them feel good, not in pain.

    Is being a bottom purely an emotional thing, and not for physical pleasure, or? There's not a chance I'll ever be a bottom, because that hurts, so I'm still a little confused as to what pleasure bottoms get out of it.

  2. User who gave Like to post:

    AsDaRa (April 2nd, 2017)

  3. #2
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    I've never experienced any real physical pleasure - as you say it can be painful and even when it's not I find its mostly just a feeling of pressure rather than anything thrilling. I've never experienced an orgasm from being fucked unless it was "manually induced", but clearly some people do.

    I think a lot of guys get off on the psychological aspect of it - i.e of being "used" or at least dominated. I can relate to that if its the right boy, dressed the right way, and behaving accordingly. However I'd never find that in Thailand and finding my type even in Europe is not easy. The number of skinny, chavvy lads dressed in trackies and a cap, and with the appropriate "attitude" who are up for topping a 50+ Uncle Fester lookalike is not high even for a reward

  4. #3
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    For example, this:

    Attachment 4448

    And before anybody says anything to the contrary - both are legal

  5. #4
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    First off, there is a reason for that pain. The muscles of the ass are designed to expel, not to receive. You can push out matter as large as a large dick and feel no pain. Try the opposite without preparation and some will feel almost ripped apart.

    So for a first timer the essence has to be preparation and a degree of training of those muscles. Almost the same as going to the gym. Part of that preparation is of course some form of anal cleansing because the moment he feels something inside the body's natural reaction is to expel.

    Those often interminably slow Japanese gay porn movies give you an idea what to do next. Almost half the move is spent working on the ass whilst at the same time exciting other erogenous zones. First some teasing tongue rimming working on the outer part. Lots of good lube is then essential. Sometimes a small toy to start, only working on the outer part before slowly inserting. Then very slowly one finger. When you feel the muscle relaxing, a larger toy leading - yet again very slowly - to two fingers. Don't even think of going straight in. Very gently and very slowly is the name of the game no matter how randy you feel.

    Your finger/s will tell you if the muscle is indeed relaxing. Some people like poppers i(f they can get them) as this helps with the relaxation. Only when you feel the muscle is sufficiently relaxed should you attempt insertion. And once again go slowly, slowly. Once in, hold it there for a while to allow your partner to get used to it before you eventually start moving.

    With the right preparation, pain will be significantly reduced. For some guys, there will be little at all. And then after two or three sessions, he will know exactly what to do and the advance preparation will need very little time.

    From what those who love being bottoms tell me, there is intense pleasure to be had. Not only are there many nerve endings in that area which become stimulated, a good top will know how to hit and massage his g-spot on the prostate. Not only have I known bottoms go quite crazy when this happens, I have encountered a few who can then cum without any stimulation of their own penis.

    And of course there is the knowledge that you are giving a great deal of pleasure to your partner. It often surprises me here in many Asian countries to find so many young bottoms on the apps. At first I thought it was some sort of submissive thing - rather like Scotty's description of being used. That may be part of the reason for a few, but I am certain almost all so describe themselves because of the enjoyment - often intense - they experience.

  6. #5
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    These posts by matt and responses by others are surreal.

  7. User who gave Like to post:

    bobsaigon2 (April 2nd, 2017)

  8. #6
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    Mr. Fountainhall: I am sure you are right, but how many of the daily "Farang fucks Thai moneyboy" occurences, involve what you say:
    1) Involve this elaborate foreplay?
    2) Involve hitting the prostate?

    My feeling tells me for most boys daily fucked by Farang, the pleasure lies in the domination. Because I don't believe many Farang do this boring long foreplay (it is boring!). Compare it with blowjobs: I give blowjobs to boys, but giving it soon (after 1, 2 minutes) starts to feel boring to me. I don't see the fun in giving it, I see it in receiving it.

    I think most farang off a boy for short time, put him on the bed and after some cuddling, kissing start fucking him without that elaborate ass foreplay. Of course there are exceptions. I think you are one.

    Also when you fuck a boy how do you know you are hitting his prostate? Because of the sounds he makes? Or you can somehow feel it? How deep do you have to go for the prostate to be hit?

  9. #7
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    Quote Originally Posted by AsDaRa View Post
    Of course there are exceptions. I think you are one.
    Oh not again! Another of your conclusions which is totally wrong! If you had read my response properly, you would know I was answering Matt's points about pain when first having anal intercourse and why some endure it. End of story! You seriously think I've gone through that rigmarole every time for the last few decades??

    Over the years I have come across probably less than a handful of guys from the bars who are basically newbies and so not used to anal intercourse. After about three times, it becomes relatively easy to relax the muscles and so the pain element disappears. Soon it becomes totally second nature - even to the straight boys. I absolutely do not agree that most of those in the bars who are happy to bottom want to be dominated. Quite the opposite. Some customers may wish to dominate them but they want the money, pure and simple. For them it's a business. There is little or no feeling one way or the other in it for them. They fulfil the customer's desires and get their cash. End of story!!

    As for the male prostate, google it.

  10. #8
    Senior member
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    Ok clear.

    What is your attitude to blowjobs? You like giving them or it starts becoming boring soon?

  11. #9
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    What next rim jobs? Golden showers? Scat sex? This thread could go on a long time thanks to matt, who pardon the expression, is eating it up.

  12. User who gave Like to post:

    bobsaigon2 (April 2nd, 2017)

  13. #10
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Pleasure from being a bottom?

    I thought we were trying to encourage newbies! A bit of instruction for younger ones! LOL

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