I popped into Soi Sunee tonight because I read some flyer about a few promotions with the bars. ( I like promotions because I am such a cheap azz.)

After a bit of fun in Holiday 2 go-go which did not have any promotions but the normal bad boys doing their thing (apparently not all the Sunee bars were involved) I almost tripped over the police pick-up truck with red lights flashing parked directly in front of Holiday 2 a go-go when I exited the bar.

I stood in the doorway and watched as the police marched 7 or 8 boys from the upstairs go-go bar....not sure of the name but across from Top Man go-go....yes Top Man has changed names but the name I cannot remember at this writing.

After the police left I asked one of the taxi drivers what was going on and she said that the police had just raided the go-go bar and tested some employees for Yaa Baa. Those that failed the test were marched off to the waiting Police pick-up truck.

Of all the nights for a police raid, why do they decide to do it when Sunee Plaza tries to have a fun promotion type night?

Anyway, that kind of took the wind out of my sails and I left the area. I don't have a problem with the police but I would just prefer not to see them while visiting go-go bars. I spend most of my free nights either near Boys Town or Jomtiem Complex areas and have never seen a police raid in these areas.

Does anyone know why Sunee gets raided and the other areas don't? I am sure Sunee employees are not the only employees that use Yaa Baa.

I did eat at Memories bar before my fun at Holiday Go-Go, and the food was yummy.