Oh yes - I missed the "i" out of "renaissance". Not like me to forget about an "I" as I am usually so self obsessed. Actually I am in my forties (much of my study was part-time during periods when i was working and earning as a freelance creative director so I had lots of time and flexibility) so I don't qualify as an old queen yet - although one looks forward to the day when one can revel in the appellation. Thank you for demonstrating your profound understanding of the German language a447 but for future reference please learn the difference between "du" and "sie" and avoid using the familiar in any correspondence addressed to me. "Sie l├╝gen" would have been quite good enough for you dear - do remember your place when addressing your superiors. On the subject of phenomenology you could do with a short course in sentential logic in order to correct the misapprehension that anything in my posts "proves conclusively" that I have failed. I can recommend a couple of good books which might improve your reasoning and comprehension skills but since they have words of more than two syllables in them you probably wouldn't be interested. And just for your records love I got a 2.1 in my first degree, a pass in my first MA, a distinction in my second MA and one either gets a doctorate or doesn't so that should speak for itself. If you understood the slightest thing about postgraduate study you would also realise that the whole point of an MA is to study something no-one else is looking at. It's called "Originality" and it's rather expected of one. So you will see that I don't lie at all - although I'm sure you derive some absurd and misplaced gratification from allowing yourself to believe I do. Probably in just the same way that you allow yourself to believe that there is any genuine affection in your tawdry commercial relationship with whatever duplicitous little hooker you are currently involved with. Still if self-delusion keeps you off suicide watch who am I to drag you back into reality. Nonetheless you might find it worthwhile to notice a pattern.

Speaking of originality or the lack of it I regret to say I am finding all your responses tedious, unchallenging and rather unworthy of my polished wit, shining insight and acerbic repartee. You were warned about this but paid no attention so you have only yourselves to blame for the fact that I will not be posting for a while. When I do I will return with a completly different handle so don't bother watching out for me as I am now going to a better place. And any replies or privates to Lolly will sadly remain unread.

Until she strikes again - rising phoenix-like to piss you all off again with a new collection of unpleasant but necessary home truths.

Until then ladies, don't orget to keep your hands on your holiday money next time your favourite prossie asks you to buy a new water buffalo for his aging mother.

Chances are every satang will go on р╕вр╕▓р╕Ър╣Йр╕▓

р╕кр╕зр╕▒р╕кр╕Фр╕╡ from the fabulous Madame Lolly