It seems the stupidcensorship proxy access to the board is pretty hit and miss at certain times of the day from Thailand.

Maybe I am alone with these difficulties and perhaps it is because I usually have an hour or two (mostly spernt struggling) in the early evening.

The time now is 04 Apr 2006 14:40 or 21:40 In Thailand

I went online in the morning the other day waiting for Starbucks to open (08:00 and 09:00 am ? what's with that?) and it ran fine, plus there were several others online at the same time.

Sometime Gaydar goes out early Thursday morning for maintenance, so I only assume the stupidcensorship proxy has a similar routine. I'm spending most of my bahts dealing with freeze up or lost connections and I only go to the 1024 places. Same thing at them all.
