As I am about to post to ES, in a turn which some will see as even better than my being on "ignore" to those not logged in, my posts on the Which Insect Repellent thread (and possibly others) appear as blank spaces hence I am repeating them here and adding another reply:

Quote Originally Posted by Khor tose
What is a substitute for DEET?
I have posted on this at length on and

[link to thread on this board deleted because it was inexplicably causing board errors....?????-ES]

so check there if you need more information.

"Off", readily available at around 115 baht for a 6oz/170ml, 15% DEET strength, spray can, is generally quite adequate as already mentioned.

[quoe="ChrisUK"]Additionally, I use soap and shampoo containing a citrus fragrance, which I believe helps to deter mosquitoes.[/quote]

Only marginally; mosquitoes are attracted by carbon dioxide (exhaled breath).

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