Bit of a dilema, was in a gogo bar in soi twilight last night (sex shows have really gone downhill, police clampdown!!) and took a fancy to one of the numbers on the stage, after checking with the "madame" that he was sexually speaking compatible (I speak no Thai and the number only knew about 20 english words) I bought him for 3 hours and off we went to my hotel.
What a disaster, apart from a weak attempt at a BJ he was totally useless in the sex department and not what I was promised. After 30 minutes of this I kicked him out of my room but not before he tried to grab by mobile because I refused to pay him more than THB50, basically taxi money..or whatever. He had already cost me 350 in bar fees!!

Was I wrong? Woke up this morning feeling a bit guilty. Just feel that I was cheated. Think nothing of dropping 20 or 50 into a beggars bowl but got really annoyed when the number turned out to be just about useless; I was really looking forward to an energetic workout andinstead got a lick and a cuddle.
comments anyone!!