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Thread: Zimbabwe: Irrelevant to Thailand??

  1. #21

    Mea culpa redux

    Did the nice people over at Human Rights Watch miss this one? Or do they believe the honest Iranian judges on this case too? As you search more on Iranian "justice", you can find lots of hot masturbation fantasies for the sadists among us on SGT. Its a veritable "truth commission" here at times. I am sure HRW can find some kind of "brutal rape" anywhere they stick their nose since witch hunting has long been a favourite pastime among social engineers. In fact there is no telling what the revisionists will pull next out of their magic hat. I am sure this 16 year old tart held a knife to some poor innocent boy's neck as she brutally forced him into unspeakably depraved sexual acts.

    "A 16 year old girl by the name of Atefe Rajabi, daughter of Ghassem Rajabi, was executed in the town of Neka, located in the province of Mazandaran, for 'engaging in acts incompatible with chastity'. The execution was carried out by the order of Neka├втВмтДвs 'judicial administrator' and was approved by both the Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic and the chief of the nation├втВмтДвs 'judiciary branch.'
    Although according to her birth certificate she was only 16 years old, the local court falsely claimed that she was 22."

  2. #22

    Thank you.

    Khor tose and Dave tf,

    thank you for not only taking the time to check the facts but also for acknowledging it. Although it may sometimes not appear so, I never post about anything like this unless I either know about it from personal experience (which I make sure I can verify later) or check my facts first. Captain Obvious, you have put your finger on the key point when you said: "The most potent quote you referenced was "If we want to challenge Iran's government, we need facts. There is enough proof of torture and repression that we can do without claims of 'pogroms.'" Unfortunately some clearly lack your insight and what may be obvious to you is ignored by them.

    I am anything but a supporter of Iran's government, but neither am I a supporter of the view that if someone is not guilty of something then you condemn them anyway as they are probably guilty of something else. If anyone thinks that any of the Iranian opposition groups in exile would take a different official line on gays then they are sadly ill-informed.

    kop sook,

    no, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, amongst many others, did not "miss this one", they condemned it totally - as did the Iranian authorities and many Iranians.

    Had you checked the facts you might have found that the execution was ordered by Haji Rezai, a mullah and head of Nekah's clerical Court and approved by the clerical Supreme Court, whose authority is totally separate to the Iranian judicial system. The Supreme Court of Iran actually issued an order to free her, but it was too late as she had already been executed in a trial that caused outrage even in Iran. It was very clear that, although technically guilty, Atefah Rajabi should not have been executed and that Haji Rezai (who was not only the judge but also put the noose around her neck himself) had acted out of anger when, in court, she removed her hajib and hit him with her shoes (one of the worst insults an Arab can make). Two months after the execution the judge, two Captains in the local militia and a number of others involved in the trial were arrested by the Intelligence Ministry for torturing her, falsifying documents showing her age, and not following the correct legal procedure; some, allegedly, were reported to be involved in a local pedophile ring that Atefeh Rajabi knew about / had been involved in, which she may have been going to talk about and which was a reason for the militia to want her silenced.

    Had you checked, you would also have known that the "poor innocent boy" you refer to was actually a 51 year old man.

    I can only repeat:

    If you want to be taken seriously then before posting this sort of unsubstantiated, unresearched rubbish you would do well to heed the advice of Scott Long, Executive Director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights Program at Human Rights Watch:

    "If we want to challenge Iran├п┬┐┬╜s government, we need facts. There is enough proof of torture and repression that we can do without claims of 'pogroms.'"

    Has this thread wandered far enough off track yet to no longer have any connection with Thailand, Gay or otherwise?

  3. #23

    Misery loves company

    To help you bring this thread closer to the OP, here is a picture of your two heroes Mugabe and Ahmadinejad hugging up a storm. They make a lovely couple. Yes... of course there are no pogroms here. Only a bit of fun and games. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International will get it all sorted out in due course with all their rational assessments of world affairs. Next I fully expect to hear a defense of all the good points of Hitler. He had quite a few that many overlooked, and after all, we must look at all sides of every issue. Nay?

  4. #24
    Forum's veteran Wesley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines

    When in Doubt

    Hang them surely they are guilty of something. Well said LOL So, where is the joke.

    All the Best!


  5. #25


    It just goes to show that there are bigots everywhere - a closed mind is as useless as a closed parachute!

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Gone Fishing
    It just goes to show that there are bigots everywhere - a closed mind is as useless as a closed parachute!

    I'll gladly take my chances with the "criminals" than with your concept of "justice" and social engineering surrounding the hanging of kids on trumped up charges. This kind of thinking as already made inroads into Thailand.
    The media make fortunes pandering this kind of rubbish and people like you gloat over it claiming it to be "scholarly" study.
    The reality is that it is a totally sadistic pursuit and your pet NGOs are in the thick of it since it is their biggest money spinner today.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by kop sook
    I'll gladly take my chances with the "criminals" than with your concept of "justice" and social engineering surrounding the hanging of kids on trumped up charges.
    You have no idea of my "concept of justice", as I have never mentioned it (although I did say that I was "anything but a supporter of Iran's government"); I have simply corrected your mistakes.

    Quote Originally Posted by kop sook
    people like you gloat over it claiming it to be "scholarly" study.
    There has been no gloating, nor have I made any ""scholarly" study" - just an informed one.

    I have no idea of your experience in other areas, if any, but as far as this particular one is concerned you are clearly totally uninformed and consider that as long as you throw enough dirt and catch-phrases some of it will stick; some members here deserve and require better than that if you are to have any credibility.


  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Gone Fishing
    I have simply corrected your mistakes.

    Your "correcting" of my mistakes consists of retelling the lies of the mad Iranian Mullahs via your pet NGOs who have their own mostly hidden agendas.
    Yes, you have "Gone Mad". Full Stop.

  9. #29

    Stop making sense, Kop Sook!

    They might kick you off the board!

  10. #30

    Correcting Facts

    If we are all about correcting facts Gone Fishing I would point out that Iranians are not Arabs.

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