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Thread: Death of the disco

  1. #11
    Expect to see more such venues die out with the new smoking ban: what the rabid anti-smokers often forget is that the people who actually *BUY DRINKS* and *DRINK A LOT* are more often than not smokers, or in a party of friends with smokers (and thus can't be arsed). As these people seek their own forms of entertainment, the venues will die out without daddy around to pay the bill.

    The big discos are giving way to more and more ramshackle huts on the outer edges of town -- still plenty of cute puppies to ogle, but they are wearing far too much clothing!

    I miss the old Hollywood very much as well -- but then again, I miss the 80's as well

  2. #12
    Expect to see more such venues die out with the new smoking ban: what the rabid anti-smokers often forget is that the people who actually *BUY DRINKS* and *DRINK A LOT* are more often than not smokers, or in a party of friends with smokers (and thus can't be arsed). As these people seek their own forms of entertainment, the venues will die out without daddy around to pay the bill.

    The big discos are giving way to more and more ramshackle huts on the outer edges of town -- still plenty of cute puppies to ogle, but they are wearing far too much clothing!

    I miss the old Hollywood very much as well -- but then again, I miss the 80's as well

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by mumbaighost
    Expect to see more such venues die out with the new smoking ban: what the rabid anti-smokers often forget is that the people who actually *BUY DRINKS* and *DRINK A LOT* are more often than not smokers, or in a party of friends with smokers (and thus can't be arsed). As these people seek their own forms of entertainment, the venues will die out without daddy around to pay the bill.

    The big discos are giving way to more and more ramshackle huts on the outer edges of town -- still plenty of cute puppies to ogle, but they are wearing far too much clothing!

    I miss the old Hollywood very much as well -- but then again, I miss the 80's as well

    Have you got a stammer, you said it twice, or do you miss the eighties twice as much?

  4. #14
    Forum's veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    I remember..

    I remember the old Hollywood.
    It took at least an hour for my hearing to return after leaving and my smoke infested shirt had to be tossed..

    Granted these discos can be fun but only if one has ear protectors like they use in target practice gun places or
    ground crews use when on the tarmac with the jets. I would go if they rented them out like they do in museums
    with taped tours..
    I believe some use them when flying to drown out all noise..

    The smoking problem should be remedied soon and I can start working on the ear shattering noise in some bars/clubs..
    Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:

  5. #15
    Junior member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: I remember..

    Quote Originally Posted by catawampuscat
    Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:
    I can't begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to that. Seriously..I really can't.

  6. #16

    Re: I remember..

    Quote Originally Posted by catawampuscat
    I remember the old Hollywood.
    It took at least an hour for my hearing to return after leaving and my smoke infested shirt had to be tossed..

    Granted these discos can be fun but only if one has ear protectors like they use in target practice gun places or
    ground crews use when on the tarmac with the jets. I would go if they rented them out like they do in museums
    with taped tours..
    I believe some use them when flying to drown out all noise..

    The smoking problem should be remedied soon and I can start working on the ear shattering noise in some bars/clubs..
    Soon the world will be safe for old farts... :cat:

    Probably come in handy to cut out a lot of ther drivel you have to listen to in Pattaya also!

  7. #17
    One gets so tired of the Smokers whinning that business in Bars and clubs will suffer because of smoking Ban. The facts do NOT support this. We heard the same BS when California went smoke free. Guess what? The clubs and Bars are just as busy and nobody complains about having to go outside to smoke. Those of us who don't smoke no longer have to worry about burns to our bodies from Smokers trying to dance with a lit cigarettes and we can go home without smelling like an ashtray.

    As to Thai style discos. they are plentiful and busy in Bangkok. You wouldn't notice, because most Farang tourists never leave silom. The Thai discos are mainly full of Normal working thai gays.. not silom moneyboys. And they prefer OTHER thais.. so don't expect to be drooled over like you are in DJs by the resident moneyboys.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by JakeNasty
    One gets so tired of the Smokers whinning that business in Bars and clubs will suffer because of smoking Ban. The facts do NOT support this. We heard the same BS when California went smoke free. Guess what? The clubs and Bars are just as busy and nobody complains about having to go outside to smoke. .
    One also gets tired of people comparing Thailand to California, and might one suggest that the demographic is slightly different.

  9. #19
    Forum's veteran Brad the Impala's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Noom Lex
    The "demographic" is different? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
    You can look it up at this link, which you may find worth saving for future use.


  10. #20
    Junior member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    One thing it could mean is that there is a different breed of law-enforcement in Thailand than in Orange County--and a different set of pockets for monies collected in fines. Its common knowledge that the entire 'entertainment' industry exists at the pleasure of (and for the profit of) individuals and institutions not directly involved in ownership/management.

    Of course, this law could be enforced equally and fairly (even with the aide of little johnny badges) without becoming a burden on the operators of the establishments we all love. I doubt this will be the case, however.

    And is there any need to mention the Thai reluctance to openly confront paying customers, the planeloads of 'fuckitall I'm on holiday' tourists that arrive daily, the mix of cultures, alcohol?

    There's a few differences in demographics.

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